Chapter 6 - The Noahtic Act 1

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"If there is no struggle, there is no progress." – Frederick Douglass

"I've been thinking about how imbalanced this country is for a long time. It is unnecessary to reiterate that the principal cause of this imbalance in the class system that is enjoyed by a handful of aristocrats. We must contend against it." William says as he holds a meeting.

"That's all well and true, but who do we fight, and how do we do it?" Moran asks, his gloved hand leaning on the backboard of the chair.

"The system is not immediately alterable. However, there is something that we can begin to do right away. We can plunge London down into the depths of Hell, and turn it into a crime-filled city." William says.

"Oi, explain it so we can understand. How does that lead to our goal of improving the country?" Moran asks.

"Crime is not the end; it is the means, Moran. As I said earlier, we cannot change the system in a trice. However, we can change the minds of men in an instant." William says.

"Minds?" Fred repeats.

"People have a wide range of emotions, and are also creatures who act upon them. Further, the thing that spurs the human mind to action above all else... is... death." William says.

"I agree, Will. Death is more instrumental than anything." Albert remarks.

"William, if my death is required for your plan, I offer it to you at any time. The same goes for you, right?" Moran says before looking at Fred at the end of his statement.

Fred then nods in agreement.

"The citizens of London are about to witness the many crimes and deaths that I have tailored for them. Which is to say... the city shall be turned into a stage through crime, and its citizens shall be an audience bearing witness to those crimes." William explains.

"The city of London itself will become a theatre?" Albert asks.

"And the subject matter we shall present our audience will be deaths that most vividly expose the imbalance of the world. It is the deaths that we choreograph, dramatize, and give significance to that will truly open the eyes of this country's people." William continues to explain.

"We're the ones who will be pulling the trigger, then? This should be interesting." Moran asks.

"Now, the time has come for the curtain to rise. If this forthcoming production on the big stage is a success, it will mark a large step toward the world for which we are striving." William finishes explaining.

"Now, allow me to present you with our first illustrious star... Count Blitz Enders." William says as he throws a photo onto the table.

The very next day, Lady Victoria found herself at the docks. Preparing to board a cruise ship set for its very first embarkment. What she hadn't expected was that the Moriarty family would also be boarding the same boat. As she was stood near the boat, she could hear numerous ladies noticing a particular Lord who was also set to board the boat. But she chose to pay him no heed.

"Target is commencing boarding at the scheduled time." Fred tells William.

"Well, let's get this show started." William says.

And then soon Fred walks off. Seeing as though the middle Moriarty was alone, she chose to approach and engage him in casual conversation.

"Sir Moriarty. I did not expect to see you here." Lady Victoria said when she approached.

Making a deal with devils - William James Moriarty x OCWhere stories live. Discover now