IX. Tension

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« Pov: Ash »

"Looks like the month long trip to Paris is not a mission impossible task!" Aaru stated giving herself a break. She has been working almost twenty two hours a day. We compromised on her time for me and made a deal that she would spend a whole week with only me, no app work, no work but only me after the app gets released.

All we do is choosing spots in the house, sitting down and coding. When we find some time, we give ourselves breaks in which we make coffee and food that were helping us to work even more. I am not a workaholic person but she is making me one.

I shifted my glares to her. She was just standing with a proud look, folding her arms confidently. "Confident I see..." i replied pulling myself away from the desk. She could be the one in a billion to find it out if she tries hard but right now, she is not trying enough.

"Of course, it's not as if I am in possession of your passport!" She said before reading it carefully. "Nice name... Mr. Aarav Nigam?" Pff. I nodded in disbelief shifting my glares back to the screen when she loosed her calm. "It's not your real name?" She asked in confusion.

"Babygirl, I committed a financial fraud. Do you think other countries would just let me enter their border easily?" I questioned folding my arms.

"Sorry... What?" Her voice squeaked at the end.

"That's a fake passport. I mean... Not really..." I ensured to which she folded her arms in horror. She narrowed her brows asking me to continue. "I applied for multiple citizenships in different countries that have different writings and languages. For instance, William in Britain is equal to Guillaume in France... So with a new passport for different citizenship, I am allowed to have more than one name legally with multiple passports." I explained calmly. "So since I can't use my real American passport, I use the other ones..."

"How many passports do you have exactly?" She questioned to which I hesitated.

"Three including the original one" I replied winking at her.

"And which countries?"

"Uhm... Portugal and Canada." I answered honestly to her questions. Obtaining Portugal citizenship was tough but the easiest within the European countries and Canadian citizenship is almost like an alternative road in US. I did write the citizenship test that contained stupid questions.

"How?" She interrogated rolling her eyes.

"The questions weren't hard in Canada. Question one: do you want to be Canadian? Question two: really?" I replied remembering Barney from How I met your mother. I love when i get to use the famous dialogues of the series characters. "And in Portugal, I just had to live there under student visa for thirty five days to ask for golden visa then citizenship."

"So your name... is not Aarav?" She questioned and I thought for a sometime.

"To a certain extent it is... If it helps, Ash is an acronym of Aarav something something..." I informed as she walked closer to me. Muttering curses under her breath, she sat on my laps annoyedly. Hugging her tightly, I waited until she reacted.

"But since Aarav is your real name, you're taking me to Paris, right?" She questioned to which I chuckled. Not so easily.

"No. The trip is only when you find all the three names..." I ensured to which she slapped my cheek playfully. I continued coding with her in my embrace while she guessed random names searching it on Google which I respectfully denied.

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