XI. Separation

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« Pov: Aarvi »

Above the bright lights of London, I was standing cluelessly, replaying our story as a flashback. Everything else felt like a nightmare, darker than the reality I was feeling. Ash's codes matched the ones of my previous app that got leaked.

The next half an hour was spent with me, driving to the restaurant we were supposed to have our first date together. I wish he had a good explanation behind all of this. Although I didn't want to put it into proper words, I think Ash was the one who leaked my app.

The more I tried to connect the dots, the more things made sense. At first, Ash refused to help me with the app. It's once he has googled my name that he decided to agree. Did he help me code this new app because he was guilty of leaking my app? In a certain way, Ash has done things like this and he is a genius in codes. From what he's been telling me, he is also a hacker. It all made sense, a sense that I wished didn't exist.

I was waiting patiently at the Aviary Moorgate restaurant. I chose this place specially for him. He likes being in a place where there is just the two of us but at the same time, have a good view with a lot of people around. It was a panoramic igloo glass table I chose at the rooftop. Everything was made to make this first date unforgettable and remarkable for both of us. I did everything.

Burying my face in my hands tiredly, I tried to not think about the situation I have been forced to witness. It's the anger that made me tired. I was angry. I usually never get mad but when I do, i rage.

Unable to hold myself still, I stood up and eyed the city of London, through the sphere curved glass. Why did he do this? The kind of pain and sensation I felt were probably inaccurate to others but it hurt me, as if a large load was pressing my heart, till the point it squeezed out every last drop of blood it contained. It hurts.

Even before I could enter deeper thoughts, a pair of strong arms were making their way around my waist slowly. It's him. I recognized his fragrance and touch. It must be him. "Sorry for being late... I got struck in traffic..." His voice whispered in my ear. "Don't be mad..." His lips pecked my cheek. Once. Twice. Thrice. I freed myself from him restlessly. "Aaru... I have a coupon. Don't ask me to hold back tonight." He ensured as I looked at his face.

He looked perfect. He corrected the messy hair he was having the last time I saw him. He removed that tie completely and his shirt was nicely tucked in again. That beautiful face of him was even prettier with the purest smile he had. I love him. A lot. Enormously.

I refuse to believe he did such a bad thing for me. He can't see me fail. I know he would never want to be the reason for my failure. There was only one way of knowing it. Communication. Asking him, directly and clearly. "Ash..." I started when he turned around.

I was facing his back but soon, he faced me again, holding a bouquet of red roses. As an attempt to be romantic, he leaned it to me shyly. "These are for you because..." He started sighing. "Because they're beautiful, pure and perfect. Exactly like you." His words reached my ears slowly and echoed.

My heart bounced against my rib cage as I refused to look at him or hear him talk without being genuine with him. We've been wanting this date for a long time and we both did everything to make it perfect. It was supposed to be a moment where we would both be the most honest version of ourselves and I wasn't. I can't pretend to not know anything about this. "Ash..." I started when he frowned.

"Ash? What happened to Ashu, my possessive stalker?" He questioned playfully leaning his hand forward to hold my face. For some reason, I stepped back. I can't do this. "Aaru? Are you okay?"

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