"Arent i important too?"

385 10 11

Melanie Martinez x fem!reader
Warnings: hurt/comfort and soft!mel

Melanie and I were walking out the door to go for a special picnic since it was our 11th month anniversary before Mel got a phone call from her manager. Her manager only ever calls her if it's important so sadly Melanie had to answer it. She was getting frustrated with them on the phone and she sighed with a sad look in her eyes and you had an idea on what she was going to say.

"I'm so sorry babes...but I have to go to an important meeting right now. But I'll be back before you know and we can reschedule our date!" She said, trying to be positive about the situation. You looked down, tears brimming in your eyes and you felt your heart shatter. Usually it doesn't bother you but whenever y'all plan to do something, something comes up and she has to leave. You know she has to and it's important but you feel like you aren't her top priority anymore...

She gently lifted your chin and frowned when she  saw tears streaming down your face. "Bug..." she started but you interrupted her "no no...I'm sorry...I know this is important. I'm just being a baby..." you sniffled as Melanie shook her head. "You aren't being a baby y/n. Not at all. It's okay to feel sad and mad, because honestly I am too...I was really looking forward to this..." she stated which made you cry even more.

"I-it feels l-like I-I'm not t-that I-important t-to you a-anymore..." you cried out and Melanie took you into her arms before letting go quickly. "Shit! Im going to be late! I promise we will reschedule my love. I'll be back very soon. I love you bug." She says softly as she leaned down and have your forehead a big, lingering kiss.

You smiled sadly as you see her walk out the door and leave in her car. You sighed shakily and sat on the couch and started watching your favorite comfort show/movie.

~ two hours later ~

Time has passed and Melanie still hasn't come home yet. Usually these meetings only take an hour or a half if that, but you weren't that worried. You went on your phone to instagram to just scroll until you saw some photos of Melanie that was new. She was sitting with her manager and some woman you didn't recognize, laughing together. Of course the thought of Melanie cheating crossed but you knew never in a million years would she EVER do that to you, but you still felt really jealous.

You put your phone down and tears came back to your eyes again and that's when you heard the door being unlocked. You quickly wiped your tears away and jumped up to go see her. She walked through the door and not even giving her a second you jumped into her arms and cling onto her.

"Oof! Hey bug! Ya missed me?" She jokingly said, knowing damn well you do. You nodded your head against her shoulder and she giggled. You never responded to her and she was confused. Sure you were very shy and quiet but not this much. Something must of happened or she's still upset about earlier.

She went over to the couch and sat down with you still in her arms. "What's wrong bug? You seem extra quiet right now." She asked you with a soft voice. You sighed and started fiddling with your fingers, she noticed and carefully took your hands in hers and you started messing around with her rings. "It's just...I really miss you...we barley get to go out on our dates or just go out in general because of your manager always calling or something else comes up....I know you love me but it feels like I'm not important to you anymore...". You say with a shaky voice which made melanie frown.

"And who was that girl that was with you and your manager? You guys seemed to have fun...". You answered with a jealous tone. Melanie smirked at that and decided not to tease you right now since you were very upset at the moment. She took your face in her hands "bug...I'm so incredibly sorry for all of this. It's because of my album that I'm releasing next week and I'm hella nervous that why my manager keeps checking in on me and keeps setting up meetings to make sure the album IS really ready to come out. I know this isn't an excuse but I just want to say I'm sorry. And that girl was a friend of my manager. She is high in the music industry and she looked over my album and my visions for my movie for portals and she said that they were all perfect! So that means that I'm completely done with the album and the visions for the movie. I just need to wait for the okay from my music label." She said excitedly.

Your mouth was agape and you were shocked. "Wait so...no more interruptions for now? And you are fully done with the album?!" You said with enthusiasm. "Yup! I'm done and I'm completely yours for a few weeks since I will have tons of interviews to do but I will push them back because YOU are my top priority. You always will be and I'm sorry for not reminding you of that." She said softly while looking deep into y/e/c. You squealed with excitement and started peppering kisses all over her face. She started giggling then it turned into full blown laughter.

You stopped kissing her so she could take a moment to breath "I'm so excited! We can finally go on the dates we have missed and hang out more!" You said happily. "Anything you want babygirl. I'm all yours."

A/n: I hope I followed through with what the request said. I hope you all enjoyed! Remember to stay hydrated and rest! I love y'all!

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