Cullens Son

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(Athanasios is Carlisle son. He was Carlisle first turned. He was turned in 1720. Carlisle found the 21 year old dieing from a stab wound and turned the boy after the boy cried in the vampires arms begging not to die. He also is 4'11 with platinum blonde hair when he was alive he had pale blue eyes and his skin was pale. Athanasios goes by Athan and he has a hard time of understanding people and getting close to people. He has Anxiety and a social issue. He also has a hard time of being very confident in his self. He depends on his siblings for everything. But once you get to know him he is a ball of sunshin. Him and Alice are called The Pixies or fairy's of the family because of their shortness and because they are both always happy and giggly. (I know that he should have all that healed are fixed after becoming a vampire but let's just act like it doesnt.) Carlisle took the boy away after finding out that the boy had more then one abilities. He didn't want the Volturi to hurt or use Athanasios so he took off with the boy to never look back again. Athanasios abilities are one he can touch someone and see their future and their past, two he can teleport and three if he sings he can control you. Carlisle always made sure none of his kids would get the Volturis attention because that would get them to notice his first son and he wanted to protect him. But all that changes when Bella comes into their life. This will be when Alice and Bella ran to Italy to save Edward.)

Alice tried so hard to make sure there was no memories of Athan in her head. She hoped Aro wouldn't be able to see the other male but when Aro touches her hand she instantly knows he saw the male because he pulled his hand away from her and turned to the other kings and said "ho trovato il nostro compagno!" Alice looks at Edward who groans softly "Please leave him alone." The kings all turn to look at Edward with a smirk "We will leave your human alone if you let us meet this mate of ours." Bella looks at Edward with hope in her eyes while Alice glared at her brother dareing him to throw their brother under the bus for Bella. Yea she liked Bella but their brother was her whole world. Edward gasps and looks like he's thinking hard about the choice. He finally groans and says "Fine." Alice glared at her brother and attacks him "You betrayed our brother for a human. God I love Bella to but you don't betray your family for a human. Athan will be so upset and father will kill you." She then turns and glared at the kings "Kings or not you hurt or do something to my brother and I will kill you." Caius growls before shuting up when Aro holds his hand up "You must really be protective of your brother. Why is that?" Alice sighs "Since there is no way of not saying anything because no matter what you all will force your selves into our lives I'll tell y'all to make it easier on Athan. Athan has issues. He is not very confident. He has Anxiety and has social issues. He also has a hard time talking sometimes because of his abilities. He depends on his siblings to always be there and help him." The kings all look at each other promising to protect their mate from anything in the world. Edward looks at Alice and nods letting her know that their brother will be protected. Aro turns back to the siblings and says "Let's go to meet this mate of ours." Alice nods.

The three kings, Alice, Edward, Bella and Jane and Alec are all on their way to the the house. Once they made it Carlisle opened the door before shutting it in his kids face. Alice sighs and opens the door "Sorry father but they are Athans mates." Carlisle looked at his kids then glared at the kings not carrying if they would kill him. He would do anything to protect his first child. Aro stepped up and said "We mean no harm we just wanna meet our mate." Carlisle goes to say something but he hears giggling and Rosalie screaming "Get back here Athan!" Carlisle opens the door and watch's as his oldest son runs right into Caius's arms who catches him as he goes to fall. Rosalie stops and gasps and reaches out for her brother only to be stopped by their dad. Athan looks up and gasps before jumping out the males arms and running to hide behind his dad. "Carlisle who are they." He whispers even though he know all vampires will hear him. Carlisle passes Athan to Esme who pulls the boy into a hug and holds him as she try's to calm him down. Carlisle says "These are the kings." Athan nods slightly as Aro steps forward to hold his hand out. Aro smiles and says "Hi I'm Aro and these are my brothers Caius and Marcus. We so happen to be your mates." Athan gasps and poofs out of Esmes arms. Carlisle sighs and says "Come in. He most likely got to overwhelmed and poofed out. He will be back." The kings follows Carlisle into the house and to the living room where they all wait for Athan to come back. Aro looks at Carlisle and says "Can we ask questions about him?" Carlisle looks at Esme then at Alice who both nod letting him know it's okay. Rosalie runs of to go get Jasper and Emmett for them all to go out searching for Athan knowing his habits of getting into trouble. Even though they know the wolves will protect him. Him being the only vampire all the wolves love. Carlisle sits in a seat with his wife as Edward leaves with Bella and Alice sits in the other seat knowing she can help answer stuff about Athan. Aro nods "When was he turned?" Carlisle smiles remembering when he turned his son "He was turned in 1720. Right before I left Italy. I found him staved in a ally and he cried in my arms begging me not to let him die." He heard all the vampires growl at finding out their mate was stabbed. Carlisle looks at his wife before saying "Athan is the reason we all are family. He found Edwards mom who asked him to save her son. He got me and we turned Edward. Then he found Esme when she killed her self. Him and Esme were always spending time together when she was human. He screamed for me and told me to save his mom. He found Rosalie and changed her his self. He said that she deserved a bright and happy life. He then found Emmett and got me to turn him. After a bit he left and some how found Jasper wondering around and the two stumbled on Alice who knew who he was right when she saw him. The three became inseparable. Still to this day you hardly ever see Athan with out Alice or Jasper beside him." Aro smiles a true smile "That explains why everyone is so protective of him especially Alice." The group 6 stay talking about Athan intill he gets dragged into the house by Jasper who his arguing with the boy.

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