What happened to you three

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(Clide was born and raised with the three kings when they were human. The kings fought so hard to make sure he stayed human but he got sick and was dieing so they turned him into a vampire. After he got turned the kings and him got married but here lately the kings are ruder and harsher to Clide.)

Clide walked into the throne room. He was tired of fighting for the men he loved when they were gone. He knew his husbands were cheating on him. He has a opertunaty to travel with his best friend Carlisle so that's what he was doing. He's gonna tell his men goodbye for the last time. He slowly opened the door and peaked his head in. He smiled and walked in "Hello my kings." The kings look up but then Marcus and Caius both look away from their husband while Aro says "I'm sorry Clide we are busy. We can't have you being a distraction with your issues." Clide glared at his husbands as he says "What happened to the men I fell in love with? What happened to y'all my handsomes?" Marcus looks up at at Clide and said "The same thing that always happens." Caius nods and says " You didn't know us then you fell in love with us." Aro looks at his husband as he says " and now you know us." Clide looks at his husbands as he says "You know it's funny. When you look at someone through rose-colored glasses! All the red flags just look like flags!" He walks up to them and lays the ring on the table then he leaves the throne room.

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