Lie to me

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(Eliga also know and Eli is dating the vampire kings. He's been with them since way before he was first turned. But he's started to notice that they spend more time away from him and try to avoid him all the time. When he plans a date night they always say they are busy even though he checked and they are free. So when they are finally all able to have time to their selves in their rooms he confronts them.)

Eliga lays on the bed between Marcus and Aro while Cauis has his head laying in his lap. Aro sits up and looks at Eliga "I think we need to all break up." Eliga stops playing with Caius's hair and slowly sits up before saying "We are always fighting. Reading from separate pages! You decided that there ain't no way to change it and I know that we haven't been the same. Promise I'll take the blame if that makes you stay." Aro puts his hand on Eligas cheek "Darling I know it's hard but we aren't working anymore." Eliga pushes his hand off before jumping out of bed and saying "No you don't realize the pain it fill when I'm up at 4 AM pacing. While you're in your throne room or wherever comfortable. I'm crying cause you're leaving me and baby don't say it!" Marcus opens his mouth but Eliga screams "Don't say it! Don't say it!" He looks at his lovers who all are sitting up on the bed as he says "Lie to me! Won't you lie to me
Lie to me! While you're lying in this bed! Don't say goodbye say you love me instead! Lie to me! Won't you lie to me!" He wipes at his eyes only for his hand to come back with blood red ligid which are tears "I wish! I could believe your performance! But your eyes are telling me I should ignore it and I know! I was the one who swept it underneath the rug! I can't keep up! So Lie to me! Won't you lie to me! While you're lying in this bed! Don't say goodbye say you love me instead! Please  Lie to me! Won't you lie to me!" He falls to his knees as he cries more. He fills someone hug him but he can't look up his heart is breaking as he sits there "I know you should leave me if you're unhappy. But I don't wanna say goodbye. I know that it's selfish don't want us to end this could you hold me one more time. While we're lying in this bed don't say goodbye. Say you love me instead. Lie to me."  He looks down at the ground as blood tears hit the wood floor "Please just lie to me. Won't you lie to me. While you're lying in this bed don't say goodbye say you love me instead. Just lie to me." Aro sighs "We can't keep lieing. This is only hurting all of us. Please just listen to us." Eliga cries louder as he says "Then kill me! I can't live with out y'all. Your my mates but if you don't love me anymore then kill me." Cauis gasps and tightens his arms around Eliga "No I forbid it. I will never let you die. We love you it's just not in the relationship type anymore. Please Eliga don't hurt us like that." Eliga stands up and angerly wipes his tears "Then get out!" All three go to say something but Eliga screams "Get the fuck out right now. I'm done crying over you. I'm done. I love y'all and all you three do is push me away or say you don't love me anymore but you want kill me when I ask you too because I can't live with out y'all so get the fuck out." All three males look at each other before stubbornly staying were they are. Eliga starts throwing any thing he can get his hands on at them. Finally Caius growls and grabs Eliga before picking him up "Calm down now Eliga." Eliga glares at Cauis before noticing that Cauis is walking out the room. He finally sees where he is at when he notices it's a tower. Cauis sighs "We hate to do this but we know you will try to get your self killed so for now we are locking you up. Eliga we really do love you just not the love you want. We already moved on so why don't you." He turns away and leaves the room shutting and locking the door behind him. Eliga falls to his knees as he screams and cries.

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