Chapter 9

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Joan found out Josh got a stomach virus and jose got the phone call and yell after she find out.  Joan was furious, she knew it was Josh's fault for not washing his hands properly. She scolded him for not taking better precautions. She then told Jose to stay away from Josh until he was feeling better. Josh apologized for not washing his hands and promised to take better care of himself in the future. Meanwhile, Jose followed Joan's instructions and stayed away from Josh until he recovered. Joan was relieved to see Josh feeling better soon. Josh thanked Joan for her support and they both agreed to be more careful in the future. Joan was glad that Josh was feeling better and it was a reminder to everyone to take proper hygiene precautions.
Joan was thankful that the situation had been handled quickly and effectively. She reminded everyone to practice good hygiene and stay safe.
Jose was also thankful that Josh was feeling better. Josh thanked Joan for her help and support, and everyone agreed that it was a good reminder to practice good hygiene and stay safe. They all agreed to be more mindful of their health and safety in the future.
Joan and Jose agreed to check in with Josh regularly to make sure he was feeling better.
They all hugged and said goodbye, grateful for the reminder to stay safe and healthy.
End of chapter 9

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