Chapter Fourteen

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To be continued...

"Okay baby," Amila says as I opened our front door I helped her upstairs she sat down on the bed taking everything off the doorbell rang good thing the bath was ready.

"I will be back ma," I said walking downstairs to the front door when I opened can't believe who I saw...

"What are you doing here," I said.

"Can stay with you?"Yanna asked.

"Naw you can go somewhere else," I said looking her up and down she look mad and ruffed up but don't feel any sympathy for her after all she had done to my relationship this girl ruined something happy between two people just because she wanted me.

"Please do anything for you" She rubbed me but pushed her back then Amila came down with one of my shirts on she looked so sexy yeah after handling this situation I'm putting it on her.

Amila Smith

"Babe," I said he was holding onto the door while Yanna was standing there when she saw me that girl dared to mug me.

"Oh, she here," Yanna says rolling her eyes.

"Yea, I'm here 'cause it's my house too baby but want to ask why dared to touch up on my man don't have enough problems to handle," I said wrapping my arms around Damini.

"Look I'm not talking to you," Yanna says.

"First my woman got every right speak 'cause this her house too and you came here ringing on our doorbell while trying to make love to my girl," Damini says she looks like she is about to cry.

"Please can I stay," Yanna says.

"Naw find somewhere else to sleep 'cause not in my house" Damini slammed the door and then picked me up.

"You look too good" Damini kissed my neck while we enter the bedroom.

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