Introduction/The Star's Bio

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This song is stuck in my head 😭😭😭

Makes me cry every time 

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Cover made by Zitara (Me)

Cover made by Zitara (Me)

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Name: The Star

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Name: The Star

Nickname: N/A

Age: How long was it since the Original Moon made the Star?

Sexuality: Ace. It's pretty much a child at this point when it's in it's common form. (It/It's because it was originally an object.)


Weaknesses: Other dimensions 

Personality: Quite anxious at times, trust issues, anger issues, easily distracted, but over all a cinnamon roll.

Ways to calm it down: Sweet smells such as scented stickers! Also like candle fires, stuff like that. Maybe a little treat too :3 But be gentle!!

Likes: Having a little company, blankets and pillow forts, tiny stuff

Dislikes: arguing, being fought over, ECLIPSE- (it'll get over it soon), crying (it thinks it's humiliating)

Blood-Color: glowing white

Tear-Color: glowing light blue

Blush-Color: Light Blue

Voice: More masculine


Info part 1:

after the instances for fighting over the star, it gained consciousness. (Based off one of the newest episodes) The Star (it/it's because it's an object, not a real person) left Eclipse's base to go find a place to get away from the madness. It was angry at everything for fighting of it and it hated that. It hated arguments, fighting, loud noises, and lots of things frighten it. It soon lost control after Eclipse found the Star and (like usual) tried to threaten it to work for him. The Star flat out refused, got angry and left, leaving negative energy behind. Eclipse was startled and knew this would soon turn into a big problem, but like the egotistical turd this doofus was- he didn't tell anyone. Soon Monty and Foxy found The Star hiding somewhere else while the Star was frightened and confused, they tried to help it. Just like a scared puppy, it took a while before the Star gave Monty a little bit of its trust since before- Monty had taken care and hidden the Star from Eclipse. It was unsure about Foxy, but soon grew to respect him aswell.

Info part 2:

Monty later brought the Star to show Sun, Moon, and Earth back at the daycare. The Star quickly recognized the daycare and begged Monty not to go in, horrified that the daycare attendants would try and capture it and force to work for them and cause the Star more harm. Monty tried to tell the Star there was nothing to worry about, but Sun and Moon heard the commotion and came over to see what was happening. Fear soon turned into anger and the Star lashed out at Sun and Moon for all the trouble they had caused. Monty and Foxy stepped back as the Star ran away again. The ground rumbled with a loud roar as the Star fled out of the Pizzaplex to find somewhere to be alone. Sun, already feeling horrible for the things of the past was reminded of all the things he had done and had nothing to say. Meanwhile Moon on the other hand was confused and concerned for the Star, despite it being so rude in its first immersions. He knew it was dangerous and had to be stopped.

Info part 3:

Monty and Foxy had told the daycare attendants what they knew. They figured out that if the Star was here, then Eclipse could not have possession over it meaning that its power was that of an uncontrolled fire. If left two long, it would catch flame in the woods and cause damage to hundreds of acres of trees and land and all its inhabitants. This ment that if the Star got too out of control, it could end their existence. It was unpredictable.

Soon Eclipse came back to try and "set things right" after being roasted so much by Sun (in that episode). He walked through the giant door, not being able to teleport anymore because no star no power, so he waited for someone to show up. The group headed out and to their surprise, Eclipse had come back fairly quickly. After some arguing, Moon stated that they knew about the Star and how dangerous it really was. He told Eclipse they had a common enemy and needed to peacefully resolve the issue with the Star before things became unfixable. They knew this would be a hard task after their experiences with the Star and the way it acted with its first impressions, but it had to be done. Eclipse finally made a deal after complaining to work together, and so they constructed their plan.

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Anybody wanna ask it questions?

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