A Soft Song || RP AU

21 2 15

The Star: *Exhausted cuz hasn't slept for a while— but is too stressed to sleep.*

Lyra: "Need some help?"

The Star: "Where do you all keep coming from??"

Lyra: "...S-Sorry... I didn't mean to disturb you..."

The Star: "No, it's fine."

Lyra: "...Wanna talk about stuff...?"

The Star: "I guess it wouldn't hurt."

Lyra: *She plays a small tune on her lyre. The song is soft and pleasant.* "..I love playing music... I wish Orpheus was here to play along with me... it's a shame he is gone..."

The Star: "I can only imagine how that must feel."

Lyra: "It's not so bad. I've been thrown around in worse. H-How have you been?"

The Star: "Confused. Stressed. More of the usual."

Lyra: "Aren't you supposed to be all powerful in your dimension...? N-N-No disrespect or anything..!"

The Star: "None taken. I thought I was, but now I just feel.. stupid. There's nothing left for me."

Lyra: "Sometimes you feel like a pebble constantly being thrown around by rushing rivers..."

The Star: "Yeah. I guess that's a way to describe it."

Lyra: "D-Does that mean you're going to continue 'monitoring' Eclipse?"

The Star: "That's my job. Of course it is. I kept him alive so he could have the decision to change. Don't know how well that's turned out..."

Lyra: "A-Are you... afraid to die..?"

The Star: "..."




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