The "Death" of Eclipse but it's my version (Part 1)

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A bit earlier....

Sun: "Moon? Can we talk?"

Moon: "Uh, sure. What is it?" *Working on the computer.*

Sun: "So about working along side Eclipse... I have a better idea."

Moon: "A better idea?"

Sun: "I don't think we should wait any longer. If we get rid of him now, we can focus on containing the Star."

Moon: "So you want to change the plans."

Sun: "Yes. I don't trust him, Moon. Not in the slightest. Plus, he's disappeared for a while now. As well as Foxy. I think he may have done something to him."

Moon: "Y'know what? You're right. I'll let Good Eclipse know we're changing the plans. You sure you're ready when he comes no matter if he comes by surprise or whatnot?"

Sun: "..yes. I've been practicing."

Moon: "Good. But I need you to do me a favor. I know I've said this a hundred times, but please. Do. Not. Die. I need you."

Sun: "I promise, Moon."

Moon: "Good."

- - -

Present day...

Earth: *Back from the movies with Sun and Moon* "I knew that was going to be a good movie, but I guess you could say it was a little deeper than that."

Sun: "...I saw a lot of guys walking out."

Earth: "yeah"

Moon: "They just got up and left."

Sun: "I don't know if it speaks about them or-"

Moon: "It speaks about them."

Earth: "It speaks about them actually. But I chose to be non-judgmental."

Moon: "They're cowards."

Earth: "But I am judging a little bit- I'm trying to be nice to everybody but sometimes you can't be nice to some people-

Moon: "I just- don't care."

Earth: "-Fair enough."

*The three continue to talk about both the Barbie movie and whatever else-*

Moon: "I just remembered the computer deafened themself before we left- cause of the whole conversation we had- let me turn that off-" *Runs to computer* "He would know if we're back."

*a few bit of conversation later*

Computer: "Welcome back. There is an issue approaching."

*Surprised stock sound effect plays*

Earth: "oh-"

Moon: "What kind of issue?"

Computer: "Star power is rising at a rapid rate."




Moon: "What??"

Computer: "Star power is rising at a rapid rate. It was trying to reach a system far from here, but redirected instantly."

Moon: *panik panik* "Uhm- uhm- uhm-"

Sun: "What!?"

Moon: "There's only one person who that can be!" *More confused panik noises* "Uh-duh-owirhhaiwhrbsiihiquegrvf-" *Faces Sun* "FINAL WHOORA."

Sun: "WHAT!? NOW!?"

Moon: "Do not die. YES. FINAL WHOORA."

Sun: *also panik* "We couldn't prepare for any of this!!"


Sun: "I- I-"

Moon: "I need you TO KEEP AN EYE ON HIM!!"

Earth: "Ok! I will!"

Moon: "DO NOT DIE!!!!!"

Sun: "I'm not-! We just got over this stuff, and now it's happening! What could he possibly want?!"

Earth: "So what do I do to help?"


Sun: "Talk to him maybe???"

Eclipse: *Appears dramatically*

- - -

Ok this takes a lot of time but I am committed to making both videos into my versions. It's for the AU!

This is gonna take so many parts...


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