The Star's Observations || RP AU

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The Star: *In it's true form watching from a pocket dimension*

Moon: "Solar, you know it's not time yet."

Solar: "We've been keeping him here for months. He's suffered enough. Might as well just kill him."

Moon: "Whose side are you on, Solar!?"

Solar: "Yours. You know this. I'm just concerned that this might have a lasting impact."

Moon: "It already has. That animatronic has caused us enough suffering, even up till now!"

Solar: "Exactly. And Moon, you're not making it any better..."

Moon: "WHAT did you just say!?"

Solar: "Nothing, I.."

Moon: "I have worked for SO LONG to get that piece of shit back in that cell and give him the punishment he deserves. Lunar despises me for something I never intended to happen. The only people he'll talk to is Sun and Earth. I am doing everything I can to give back karma, because karma doesn't just happen on it's own."

Solar: "Don't you think that this is enough..?"


Solar: *His rays retract a little.* "...I'm going to go check on Sun, Lunar, and Earth."

Moon: "Have fun."

. . . 

. . .

. . .

. . .

Solar: *He left.*

- - -

Cygnus: "Well that was one heated argument."

The Star: "You startled me-"

Cygnus: "Apologies."

The Star: "It's alright."

Cygnus: "Still thinking about the meeting?"

The Star: "Of course I am."

Cygnus: "I would be too if I were in your shoes." *He chuckled.*

The Star: "Right."

Cygnus: "So, do you just sit around all the time?"

The Star: "I guess. I usually regulate what's going on and catch up on current events."

Cygnus: "That's fair."

The Star: "What about you?"

Cygnus: "Just doing whatever Aquila tells me to do. She's been busy practicing her combat skills."

The Star: "You enjoy her company, don't you?"

Cygnus: "Well, yeah, she's like a sister to me, despite her bossy attitude. But she'll never replace Phaeton. He was my best friend. I'd do what I did again if I was given the chance."

The Star: "I'm sure you would."

Cygnus: "Well, I best be getting ready for our journey."

The Star: "Journey?"

Cygnus: "Aquila, Lyra, and I are heading down to observe the place for a while. Perhaps if you don't intervene, we won't have to kill you!"

The Star: "... Thanks for the reassurance."

Cygnus: "Anytime." *Disappears.*

. . .

The Star: *Exhausted sigh* "Maybe what I did was foolish... he should have never survived... what an idiot I was thinking such an awful soul could be redeemed..."

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