Eclipse's Story (A POV thing for this AU)

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This is the sticking point. After that energy-fill rascal escaped, that's when the pains started coming. I knew it had to be it. And before it got its final look at me, I saw the truth, but now here I am. Sleeping in the house of the enemy. How did I get myself into this? Well it's simple: Sun and Moon soon figured out about the Star's existence and how it gained consciousness. I guess the rest of their little "crew" decided that it would be a good idea to team up. What nusenses. Finally working with my enemies, not very idle. Months of work to figure out plans to torment and destroy those daycare attendants, all for nothing. Blown up to oblivion like I did to Lunar. That little brat only slowed me down, so what better way to end him off then right in front of his dear old friend Monty? I know he's trying to rebuild him, what else would he do? Mourn over his poor little death like anyone else? No. Of course not. It's Monty we're talking about.

But despite everything, no matter how hard I try to sleep, that image of the Star lingers in my brain. Engraved like a painstaking memory. I don't think I'll be recharged in the morning. To be frank, I don't think Sun will get recharged either. He's been bickering all night about trying to get something away from him. Whatever it is, I hope it gets worse. I'd like the entertainment.

- - -

Morning awakens and Sun and Moon head down in the center of the play area. Moon calls me down, wondering if I'm still there or I just ran away. "Again" I bet they'd say. They don't know anything. Monty and Foxy arrive early while Earth walks in from the teleportation that leads to her room. The same room I tried to talk to her in which ended up going south. I didn't think she'd lecture me like that.

Finally there was me. Jumping off the ledge, I land perfectly fine into the ball pit and talk my stand in between Sun and Earth. Sun gives me a deadly glare as he slowly moves closer to Moon. Moon doesn't seem to have a care in the world that their worst enemy is standing right next to them. He looks more annoyed than anything having to ask for my help. I, for one, don't need their help. It would have been better to let them suffer with a Wither Storm then have to be involved in their nonsense.

They discuss ways to befriend the Star and figure a way to stop the chaos. I don't listen and just drift off into space because why would my opinion matter? It's invalid. The only reason they "asked for my help" was so they didn't have to deal with me and could instead focus on getting rid of the Star.

"Eclipse?" Moon asks with a rather sarcastic tone. I almost didn't even realize he was talking to me, so I didn't bother answering. "Eclipse, do you have an idea maybe?"

My opinion? Well this is a first. "What?" I responded. "What do you mean if I have any ideas? This isn't my problem, it's yours."

"We wouldn't have this problem if you would just be considerate!" Sun remarks.

"Sun, please. We can at least try giving him a chance." Earth calmly replied, giving Sun a hug of comfort. Sun still didn't care. I didn't expect him to. He kept staring at me like an angry toddler after you told it that they couldn't have ice cream for every meal. I just gave him a blank look back.

"You're going to have to work with us one way or another, Eclipse. Whether any of us like it or not." Moon sighed.

Monty didn't seem too happy about that response. Probably because I blew up his only friend. I doubt Foxy he's friend. Who needs friends anyway when you have the world in your hands? At least that's what I did have until my power slipped away from my grasp like a bar of soap.

"Well if you really want an idea out of me-" that's when that aching feeling in my boiler came back. It wasn't anything I'd felt before. It was like there was nothing wrong but everything was broken at the same time. Like I was ruined.

I clenched my side, holding my position. "-How about we just find it first." I rasped. Then the pain stopped. Finally. 

- - -

Part 2? 

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