Part 29: Facts

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From what Casey and I can hear, it seems the chaotic carnage above us is contained. I read confidence in The Officers voice, “Come this way folks, we have the situation under control; please try to remain calm.”

An older female voice shrieks, “Calm? Are you kidding, after what we’ve witnessed…?”


Casey and I remain shrouded in darkness; watched over by a single pair of yellow eyes: The Dark Side still lingers.

I read a bewildered tone in Casey’s voice, “It sounds like hell happened up there Kirk; we’re pretty lucky to have escaped it. I’m real worried for Toby.”

She ponders for a moment, “Is a recent reanimate as dangerous as it sounds? I’m worried the Dark Side might be playing with me; us mortals are much more frightened of what we can’t see,” she says.

I put my arms around her; in a protective embrace, “Casey, you need to see something.” I turn her gently, still holding her close to absorb her fright. “Look up there.”

Her body doesn’t jolt, she lacks fear, as she says, “It’s the lights of the surveillance cameras; we’re being watched.”

“Yes, but not by cameras, by The Dark Side. Their presence indicates the reanimate upstairs is still a threat. Only triple discovery can destroy him.” As I talk, the eyes dart from left to right, leaving Casey in no doubt as to what they really are. Her body swings round; her hands grasp my face, and pull it towards hers, “Oh my God, Kirk! You’re talking with insight, like a human; please don’t say you’ve been triple discovered? I can’t handle all this without you! Don’t go – don’t leave me this way!”

I gently remove her hands from my face, and take hers in mine. I pull her face towards me until our noses touch.

Her breaths are short, sharp, and rapid. I feel the heat of blood pumping through her anxious body. I hold her like this for a count of sixty seconds.

Afterwards I remove my hands from her face and place them on her shoulders, “Casey, I’m still here.”

As relief floods her body, I hold her close until here breathing returns to normal, then explain, “I have no insight Casey; you have that. I only have the reanimate facts of life. You confused my facts for life.

Casey breathes a huge sigh, “Man, that was the longest minute of my life Kirk.” I feel her gaze turn toward the eyes, “So, tell me what happens on reanimation, I need to know the truth?” she asks.


As you know, we reanimates only deal in the truth, so, I give it, “Recent reanimates have a super human hunger on re-awakening, nothing can stop our quest for meat.”

“So how come yours was OK?”

“Mine was a controlled reanimation, in my Dad’s garage; with mounds of meat to satisfy my lust.”

“Mounds of meat?” says Casey. I read a look of horror on her face.

“Yes, mounds of meat – a whole ton of meat.”

“Kirk, that means lots of our peers and teachers might have been badly injured by the Doc, right?”

“Yes. It will be bloody up there. But his soul return will satiate his hunger, for a while.”

“For a while?” Casey hollers these words.

“Yes, for a short while – we need triple discovery to stop the damage. We need Jess?”


The Association

We would like to interrupt Kirk's narrative to give you a brief update. A SWAT team (Special Weapons and Tactics) is currently surrounding Arlington High. As you are aware, they will have little impact on the reanimates destructive force.

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