Part 14: Massive Attack

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Warmth from the October sun strokes the back of my neck as we walk.

Pumpkins, skillfully crafted into ghouls and goblins sit on the porches of the large houses Casey and I pass on the way to Toby's house. 

"What you thinking Casey?" I ask. She stops and points to a puking pumpkin. Orange fleshy vomit flecked with seeds dribbles from its gaping mouth, soiling the white fence on which it sits. "I'm trying to get my head round the fact that all this hokum's actually real." She pauses, then continues, "I feel kinda empowered by it; knowing there's something else, another dimension." 

I don't tell her how burdened I feel by it. Instead, I smile and continue walking.

A white picket fence circles the perfectly manicured lawns of Toby's all American Dream home. Nobody looking at this aspirational house would guess of the ghoulish scenes that took place in its basement; a rabid, ravenous reanimate feeding is the stuff of nightmares, believe me. 

"So, bring it Kirk, tell me how you intend to get into their basement?" asks Casey. I stop abruptly. My breathing heavy, small spasms cause my head to vibrate. Saliva collects at the corners of my mouth and oozes slowly down my chin. Casey looks at me, her expression switching from concern to horror in a blink, "Kirk, what is it? What's happening?"

It's the reaction I want, I can't help but laugh. Casey smacks my shoulder, "Kirk, don't do this to me, I've had enough head fucks already."

I apologise – "I'm pretending to be on the verge of an eating rampage, wanted to test my efforts on you, see if I'm convincing," I explain. 

"Answer my question Kirk?"

"OK – you ring the door bell. When Toby's Dad answers, I'll pretend I need to feed. Tell him My Dad's had an accident and he's told you to take me here for my medication. He'll know what you mean – medication's code for reanimate feed. He's sure to bring me down to the basement.” Casey interrupts, “What if Toby’s Mom answers?”

“She won’t, she’s dead, committed suicide, just like my Mom’s in the process of doing with her drinking,” I say, with a clarity that comes with my soul return. I continue, “If Jess is there, he won't make any effort to conceal her, he thinks I'm still an unthinking reanimate." Casey ponders, "Kirk, that makes no sense; if Jess is there, she'll see you, probably guess your secret – then you're history."

Casey's eyes lock mine, "Kirk – I need you here. I want to preserve you, not put you out. I'm not doing this," she says with firm authority. She attempts to soften her assertion, "Anyway Kirk, it's unlikely Jess is here, it's stupid to create a big scene just on a hunch."

I remove the evidence wedged in my back pocket and hand it to her. She looks at the book and reads the title "Feed – why you giving me this?"

"It's the book Jess was reading."

"How'd you get it?"

"It was in my Dad's back pocket – I took it after I shackled him up in my basement shortly after my third soul return."

Casey's mouth drops open. I smile, because I'm not quite sure what emotion I should display, "Yep Casey, I'm now a flesh-eating fugitive." She shakes her head. I'm happy to see her smile back, "And I guess I'm your vegetarian accomplice."

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