Part 41

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CNN News

We have some breaking news for you right now. Oregon State Police are urging all people residing or working within a 5-mile radius of Arlington High School to remain inside. It is advised that you stay away from windows, and ideally secure yourselves in a windowless space whilst we have this red alert. 

This follows reports of a number of unidentified members of the public who have been savaged to death in their own home, by what witnesses say was a marauding pack of rabid wild boars.

A spokesman say these animals pose a significant threat to the public and until such time as they have been contained, he stresses the importance of staying inside, for your own protection.

 A hotline number has been set up for further information on this worrying situation.


I am with The Officer.

He drives in silence, whilst I sit in the passenger seat, fighting the first signs of my feeding cycle.

I have told him my cycle has begun, but he says, "We've time Kirk, this has to be done. It don't matter if they see you shaking, they'll just put it down to what's happened to ya – any human that's been through what you have, they'll do more than shake, they'll hyperventilate."

As we drive, I notice people outside their houses, fixing boards to their windows; they work swiftly, with frightened expressions.

The Officer comments, "They have no idea do they Kirk, if a reanimate beast wants in, no boards or locks'll stop em. Still, it's probably best they don't know that," he says.

All is quiet, and I notice the reason why: we are the only car on the road.


My focus is on fighting my feeding urges, so I do not notice that we have stopped. 

We have arrived at the building of The Oregon State Police.

The Officer looks around, "You see anyone Kirk?" he asks.

"I see no one," I reply.

"Good. We don't need no journalists trying to get a picture off ya," he says, opening his door and rushing to my side.

He thrusts my head into his chest, covers it with his jacket, and guides me as we run for the buildings entrance.


The other Officers gather around me in a protective huddle:

"I'm truly sorry for your loss Kirk."

"You need anything, just holler, my wife and I are here for you Kirk."

"Support fella, you got it all here, no question."

The Officer interrupts their kind words, "Guys, the first thing we can do for Kirk, is get this down to forensics," he says, holding the wrapped Brass Knuckle.

A man steps forward, and The Officer hands it over, "Kirk's been accused of using an instrument like this in the past, I need you to swab this for DNA. It was discovered at Arlington High, there's a good chance it could be the weapon that knocked out the Doc, before he went on his drug fuelled rampage."

"Sure, I'm on it," says the man.

The Officer speaks to the other men, "Guys, we have a Doctor here, she's gonna look after Kirk's welfare in the short term – but, we really appreciate your concern. 


Dr Shaheed leads me away from the throng of officers. Her demeanor with me is softer than the last time I was in her company.

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