Of Cigarettes And Heartbreak

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"Why is love so damn complicated?"

You light up a new cigarette as you ask me this. Its your third in a span of just a few hours. I don't know what to say really. I look down at my shoes, there is some dirt collected on the side; I smile. Love is complicated in a way that we might never understand in this lifetime of ours. Girlhood is all about hiding your emotions from the world so as to avoid the questions you don't really know the answers to.

"If it wasn't so complicated, would people really be so attracted towards it?"

Love and heartbreak cannot exist without the other. If there is love, heartbreak is almost always inevitable. One is not capable of heartbreak if one does not know how to love. Your cigarette is almost halfway finished when you offer it to me. I shake my head. Nicotine couldn't possibly save me from myself anymore. Boyhood is all about pretending to be tougher than you really are so that the world does not crush you under its heavy weight.

" I'm sacred of hurting the people I love."

You shrug and take another drag from your half finished cigarette and puff out rings of smoke. I watch on, fascinated. I think about how I never wish to have kids. I'm afraid i would become like my mother. The same woman who gave birth to me and killed me in a metaphorical way. Motherhood is all about choosing between taking out your frustrations on your own child, or never letting them go through the same traumas you went through.

"I believe we never intentionally hurt the people we care about. But in a way we always end up hurting the person we really love, don't you think?"

Your cigarette is almost finished now. You take a last drag and crush the butt beneath your heel. You look at me and smile and suddenly you look a lot younger than your age. You remind of a childhood I don't really remember much of. Harsh words which dig deep into my bones and bloodied wounds are all that I can recall. Childhood is all about hiding the blood stains on your hands and face pretending it's an experiment with red water colour gone wrong. I look up at you and I smile back.

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