Of Love, Memories and Death

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Death visits me in my dream again, after a very long time.

 In this dream, we are sitting on the rooftop of an abandoned building.

This time she takes the form of a boy; raven hair hidden beneath an old beanie, old faded shirt and a cigarette in hand.

We are both barefoot, sitting beside eachother, looking at the starless sky.

I ask him about Life and he tells me that she doesn't love him anymore.

I tell him about how I too, made a new friend.

He chuckles and says that she's more of an enemy than a friend.

I don't argue.

Instead I ask him about why he's suddenly started vising me again.

He tells me that he's lonely and apparently I'm his only friend.

I tell him I dream of a life where things were different; where I was the main character of my story and not another broken soul searching for her purpose in life.

I wish for a different life where a three-year-old hadn't been used as a punching bag by the one person who was supposed to protect her from the cruel world.

I tell him how much I hate the said person and yet the mere thought of losing them fills me with a pain so unbearable, it feels like someone has punched me in my ribs and knocked the air right out of my lungs.

He tells me that love is twisted like that; Sometimes the person we hate the most is also the person we love the most in the entire world and no matter how many times they do us wrong, one sweet gesture and we go crawling back to them.

Sometimes the love we have for someone is greater than the hatred we feel for them.

I tell him about how Love left me this week; Completely alone to deal with my pathetic miseries.

He bursts out laughing, head falling back, gripping his stomach, trying to stop but to no avail. Looking at him, I can't help and burst out laughing too. And just like that, the air around us changes.

A stray lock of hair comes out of his beanie and falls on his face; He looks at me and grins like an idiot. Suddenly he looks a lot younger than he actually is and I can see glimpses of the girl I once loved.

I missed you, he says while leaning closer.  I missed you more, I reply while closing the gap between us.

He leaves sometime after that, promising to come back again tomorrow.

I smile and look up at the sky, his promise still lingering on my lips and littered all over my neck.

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