Of Wishes, Kisses And Lovers

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"Kiss me."

A kiss. The very reason for my undoing was this; A kiss. It was a mistake. I was trying to save you in the crowded bar from one particular persistant creature who thought they could take you home with them. I wish I hadn't. I wish I had saved myself instead of you that day.

"I really shoudn't have kissed you that day."

I agree. You shouldn't have. And yet, you did. Just as you are doing now; starting from the lips, trailing a sensual path along the curve of my neck to the most sensitive parts of me which can only be ignited by your touch, your lips. It's you. It's only ever been you. And yet it was never just me.

"Less talking and more doing."

You make a sound that's somewhere between a groan and a chuckle. It's oddly endearing and hot. But then again, everything you do, almost always is. You help me undress and lift me up only to put me down on the bed. Your actions ever so gentle. It frustrates me at times, to see you be so gentle with me, cautious of every step as if I'm a fragile flower. I wish you were rough, callous even, anything would've been better. It would have made not falling in love with you a lot easier.

"I proposed to her today.......and she said yes."

You don't sound so happy when you deliver the news but it's rather hard for me to decipher your feelings over the sound of my own heart shattering into a million tiny pieces. I always knew I wasn't someone you would ever fall in love with, but I had hoped. I wish I hadn't. It is a different kind of pain when you feel like someone's made for you, only to realise that you're not the one made for them.

"Say something......please."

I should stop you, ask you to leave perhaps but instead I ask you to kiss me harder. If this is the last time I ever see you, I need to have good memories to remember you by. I do not wish to forever remember you as the man who broke my heart beyond repair. I've loved and tonight I've lost. But if losing you is my destiny then I would atleast make sure I have some control in the matter.

"I told you he would never love you.....atleast not in the way I do."

Death crawls through my window long after you've left. The moonlight falls just right on his face, enhancing his features even more so than before. He's grown a thin layer of stubble which makes him look a bit different; more manly perhaps. He knows the effect he has on me. He smirks and comes to sit infront of me in the bed. I ask him to leave but he just holds me closer in a way you never did. Somewhere far away I hear someone sobbing. It takes Death caressing my back for me to realise that it's me.

"It will be alright, tesoro. He was a shitty lover anyway."

He's right. I know he is. But It's hard for me to forget your gentle touches and your soft praises everytime you pushed us both over to the edge, filled to the brim with ecstacy. I was a fool. I mistook your lust as love. I hoped that somewhere deep down maybe you'd have loved me too. I wish I wasn't so stupid. I wish I had listened to him.

"Let me, precious, and I will show you what being loved truly feels like."

And this time, I let him. I had been neglecting myself for others my entire life. Your empty promises echo in my ears as he tilts my chin up and lower his face down to kiss me. Surprisingly, or rather not at all really, his kiss fills me with a weird warmness and a promise to be loved thoroughly; unconditionally and irrevocably. In loving you, I lost myself. By being loved by him, I wish to find myself again.

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