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"Shouldn't we have some people keep watch? Just in case if something bad happens,,"
"Who wants to stay out here?"

"Y/n, go with me, Richie, and Bill
I promise you I won't let
anything bad happen to you,,"
"I'm fucking scared,,"

The four of you entered the house while the rest stayed outside.
"I can't believe I pulled the short straw
You guys are lucky you're not measuring dicks"
"What does that even mean??" You asked
"I can smell It,," Eddie whispered.
"Well don't breath through your mouth"
"Why not?" Eddie asked.
"Cause then you're eating it,," Richie scoffed making Eddie gag reaching for his inhaler.

Richie looked at a cobweb in the other room and slowly walked towards it, he grabbed a paper that was stuck, and his breathing got heavier. "It says I'm missing,,"
"Y-you're not missing,,"
"Police department, City of Derry,,"
That's my shirt, that's my hair, that's my face!"
"Richie Calm down, this isn't real!"

"That's my name, That's my age!
That's the date! What the fuck is going on
am I gonna go missing?!"
"It's not real Richie, It's playing tricks on you,,"

"Hello?" a familiar voice said
"Betty?" You whispered, walking upstairs.
"Y/N wait!" Eddie followed you, along with the others.

"Help me please!"
You rushed upstairs and saw Betty for a quick second before she got dragged, you ran to the room she was taken into, you saw 3 doors.

Not Scary At All
Very Scary

You turned to find Richie and Bill behind you.
"What the fuck just happened, where's Eddie?"
You heard footsteps and the door shut.
"Eddie?!" You shouted banging on the door.
"Eddie open the door!"

"We're gonna fucking die,," you breathed out slumping against the wall.
"Y/N don't fucking say that shit!"
Richie shouted.
"The door won't open!!"

"Then let's just go through one of these doors,,"
"But which one?" You asked getting back up.
"Not Scary At All,"
You opened the door quickly and saw nothing in there.

"Where's my shoe,,?"
Bill pulled the string light, and it showed
Betty screaming, without her lower body being hanged by her wrists, making everyone else scream, you slammed the door shut.

"We'll go in one more time, ready?" Bill said.
You nodded you head.
Richie opened the door and everything was gone. "Oh thank fuck,," Richie sighed.
"Where's Eddie??" You asked.
You heard screams coming from downstairs.

You headed towards what looked like the kitchen, and saw IT, it's hand covering Eddie's face.

"This isn't real enough for you Billy?"
"I'm not real enough for you,
Because it was real enough for

"Oh fuck,,"
The room was filled with screams as It launched towards you guys, but then Beverly came and stabbed him in the eye.
It let out a long cry, as its blood floated.
You ran towards Eddie.
"Are you okay?! What the fuck happened?!!"
You shouted grabbing his face.
"Get Eddie, let's go!"
"Guys watch out!"
Stanley shouted, it was coming towards you.
It then turned his head, slicing Ben in his stomach, and backing away.

"Don't let him get away!!"
"Bill we have to help Eddie!" You screamed as he followed it. "BILL COME BACK!" You said grabbing his arm.
"I'm gonna snap your arm into place!"
Richie said grabbing his arm.
"Rich- do not fucking touch me!"

"Okay, uh, one,, two,, three!"
You all ran out of the house where
Eddie's mom was waiting for you guys.
"You, you did this!"
"Who, me? Or them?" You asked.
"You know how delicate he is,,"

We were attacked, Mrs. K!"
"No, Don't try and blame anyone else!
"Let me help,," Beverly said walking towards her. "Get back! Oh, I've heard of you, Miss Marsh, and I don't want a dirty girl like you
touching my son,,"

"Mrs. K, just let me expla-"
"Get away from me!" She cut you off.
"Eddie is done with all of you, do you hear me?
Done!" She said getting into the car, and driving off with Eddie.

"I-I saw the well, we know where it is, and
n-next time we'll be better prepared,,"
"No! No next time Bill! You're fucking insane!"
"Stanley's right, nobody else believes us, Eddie almost died, and Ben got stabbed and is leaking blood!"

"Seriously! Look at this motherfucker
he's leaking hamburger helper!"
"We just can't pretend it's gonna go away,"
"Ben you said it yourself it's comes back every 27 years,,"
"Fine, I'll be 40 and far away from here!
I thought you said you wanted to get out of this town too,"
"Yeah because I wanna run towards something, not away!"

"I'm sorry, who invited Molly Ringwald
into the group?" Beverly flipped Richie off."Richie!"
"I'm just saying, let's face facts!"
Real world, Georgie is dead!
So stop trying to get us killed, too,,"
"G-Georgie's not dead,,"
"Bill he's been gone for one year,,"

"You couldn't save him,
but you can still save yourself,,"
"No, take it back, you're scared a-and
we all are, but take it back!"
Bill said shoving Richie.
Richie pushed Bill, and next thing you know they're throwing hands.
"You're just a bunch of losers! Fuck off!!"
You watched as everyone tried to separate them.

"You're just a bunch of losers
and you'll get yourselves killed trying to catch a fucking stupid clown!!"

"Okay stop! This is what It wants, It wants to divide us! We were all together when we hurt It, That's why we're still alive,,"

"Yeah? Well, I plan to keep it that way,"
Richie said walking off, so did everyone else.
"Y/n?" Beverly muttered.
You just stayed silent and walked away.

"What the fuck just happened,,"

Loverboy (Eddie Kaspbrak x reader)Where stories live. Discover now