Chapter 1

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  'You can never be lost when you learn to get lost into the blue of the sea'                                                         -Munia khan

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  'You can never be lost when you learn to get lost into the blue of the sea'
-Munia khan

The calming sound of the waves,crashing against the shore,gave me the emotions the ocean felt.The warm colours of the sunset reflected the surface of the ocean.The cold water gave chills through my body and the smell of sea salt lingered to my nose.

Summer was here,but it didn't feel the same not since mom's death.

The memories of her were slowly fading away.

Her melodious voice when she sang to me,when she used to read me under the hot summer sun,her comforting touch and every time she made me laugh after crying over a boy.

A cool breeze passed through me,blowing through my messy hair.I cross my arms around myself,wanting to find the comfort that I always received from my mom.

After loosing her,a part of myself left with her

A lone tear rolls down my face but I wipe it away quickly,feeling tired of crying and blaming myself for her death as she told me. 
People say if you love someone you have to set them free but what if I don't want to set her free?losing my loved ones felt like a tidal wave to my soul.

I look up the serene glow of the full moon as the sound of the small waves crash on the rocks.

"Happy birthday mom" I whisper to the now dark sky.

I observe the lonely beach where I spend every minute of my childhood years;the bonfires we held every summer,my first kiss with a blond surfer guy,the million books I read at the big rocks.

Those were the summers that I genuinely liked.

The palm trees stand tall around the beach,with the wind blowing their leaves.The endless grey sand that in daylight is like a golden skin when touched by the sun's rays.

I gather all my things from the sand and started my way towards my bike.

The cool sand below my toes,making feel relaxed.

After putting on my sandals and my belongings at the small basket,I started to petal towards my home with the company of the shiny stars.

I need this summer to be different,not like the previous ones.It's over three years since my mom died and I still feel a part of me missing.

The company of my good books and my dog are not enough to fulfill the loneliness I feel.

After a five minute drive,the one story house came to view.The large yard with the colourful flowers and the aromatic grass surrounded by the wooden white fence.The small front porch with the wooden rocking chairs and the small table with a vase of flowers in it.

It doesn't feel like home anymore,not without her.It used to be surrounded with happy noises,even our yelling and arguing but now it's just me and my lovely dog.

As I open the door a little devil jumps on me,wanting to hug him.

"Hello Bailey boy" I smile at him,hugging him tight in my chest.

"You missed mama" I ask him.He licks my face before running away from me,making his way towards the kitchen.Well damn I though he missed me.

After making dinner for both of us,I head to the shower so I can remove the salt off of my body.I don't bother looking myself in the mirror,no wanting another reason to cry.

Putting on my strawberry pyjamas,I go to the big library where it's in the living room.I grab my current book and start to get in a comfortable position on the sofa.

As I'm getting comfortable,Bailey came up to me and sat between my legs,his head in my chest.

When my mom announced to me that she deasize with cancer,I gift her Bailey.I remember she had told me that she loved Collies and she wanted one since she was a child but sadly she couldn't afford it.

I was sixteen at the moment and I wanted to make her smile like those smiles which warm my heart.I worked 2 jobs that summer,so I could buy the dog but the exhaustion and tiredness was worth it just because of my mom's smile.

I stroke his red fur while reading between the lines.The relaxing sound of the song playing from the television,make me fall slowly into bliss

            A U T H O R ' S   N O T E

Hello guys!I hope you enjoyed the first chapter of Salty lips.The chapter is not that long but I will try to write longer chapters. Anyway thank you for reading,lots of love.

-Georgia xx

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