Chapter 10

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Pure happiness swells within my chest

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Pure happiness swells within my chest.Seeing all these people,being generous to one another,touches my heart.Seeing Orpheus relaxed and confident enough to talk to me,without being cold towards me,makes me happy.

He even fed the ducks on our way there with bread given to him by a fisher.

When we arrived at the spot;which took us less than 10 minutes to arrive and with people stopping us for small treats,I was expecting myself to look around for any book,touch it or even start a conversation with the seller (which most of them are really sweet and entertaining to talk ) but as creepy as it sounds,I couldn't take my eyes away from him.

They way his eyes almost close when he smiles down at me,how the wind flows through his hair and he throws them right back,or how his rough voice sounds like a sharply ringing,bringing me back to reality.

"If I try to get more than 3 books,please stop me."

"I'll get them for you."I stop in my tracks and I narrow my eyes."No.You won't.Im an independent woman."

He scoffs."You sure are,sweetheart."

"And if you want to get me back for the ticket,then don't.It was already paid for Cyrus,my friend,he's cool,you'll like him."He pinches my skin and I let out a scowl.

I rub the place he pinched as I walk ahead of him,ignoring his presence completely.As expected,he's beside me with two long strides.He takes a hold of my hand and I fight a smile back.He guides me through the crowd and he tightens his hold on me.

We pass all the shacks with the books and he takes a stop in front of an old-looking bookstore.The man there welcome us inside but Orpheus shakes his head.I look up him,wondering what he has in mind,only to see him already looking down at me.

"Have you ever been on a blind date with a book?"He asks.

A smile appears on my face and I tuck my hair behind my ears."No,I haven't.Do you?"

"Me you want to try it?"

This weird feeling in my belly again.I really want him to be the one.Call it instinct but I really think it's him.It feels like I'm breathing for the first time,even if the air is toxic and harmful for my lungs.Its something I crave;his touch,his smile and everything about him.

"You really want to try that?I didn't think you are the kind of guy to do those kind of things."I spill out.

"I'm not but I thought you will enjoy it."His response was simple yet I felt a rush of emotions surround me.Happiness,satisfaction but a feeling of misery stayed.

I was ungrateful.I had so many people in my life that loved me and supported every step in my life but I never felt full.But here I am,with a guy who gave me the slightest of attention and I was attacked to him in the first minute.

But what if that ended up to something good?

I look back at his face;seeing him looking at the small shelves ,trying to find a book,and I once tell myself to trust my feelings and give it a shot.

"I'll choose one for you and you'll choose for me."

"No,no.You'll most definitely choose me a fluffy,girly romance."He denies.

"What's wrong with them?"Before he can argue any farther,I take his place and I choose a book from the shelf.After seeing the dot with the description thriller on it,I place it back on the shelf.

Orpheus mumbles something behind me but I choose to ignore it this time.

When I found what I was looking for,I hide the book behind my back and I turn around to face him."My turn."

"Suit yourself."While he's trying to find a book,I kneel down to pet the owner's cat.The little kitten who I soon found her name was Petrine,let out little purrs as I stroke her brown fur.

When he found the book,we went inside the bookstore where the kind sir welcomed us in.

"Hello there,fellas.Do you want a biscuit?My wife made them the early morning."As I go to grab the biscuit,Orpheus holds me back."I guess you don't want a biscuit."

I look up at him confusedly.He gets down on my level,his face close to mine.His warm breath tickled my ear,as he whispered."I don't trust him."

He gives the books to him to scan them.I search my bag for money and when I got them,I lift my head only to see Orpheus holding his credit card at the machine.

He looks back at me and a smirk appears on his face.

We got out of the bookstore but I stop him before he can walk any further."Thank you but don't do it again,you don't have to waste money for me."

"I wanted to and I'll do it again,sweetheart.Now let's go."I smile and we start walking again,this time at the direction of the shacks.

I let out a gasp as I looked at the books."This is one of my favorite books."I point at it and he picks it up.

"Love and other words."He mutters.

"Let me guess,the boy hurts the girl,she leaves but he wants her back."

"Close enough."

"Typical."He utters while still looking at the book.

His hands traces the books and I take a moment to admire him.

"Have you decided what are you gonna get?"I nod my head at his question.

The lady greets me when I passed the books to her.Orpheus comes by my side and I narrow my eyes at him,shaking my head.

He lets out an indignant sigh and he takes a step back.After I pay we both walk some steps down the road before he suddenly stops me.

"Go take us ice cream.I have to do something,alright?"I don't question him what he has to do.i just take the coins he gave me and I walked to the ice cream shop.

Before I open the door to the shop,I curse out loud because I had forgotten to ask him what flavor he wanted.Deciding to take him what I choose,I walked in and I greet the girl behind the counter.

"What would you like?"She asks as she scrolls on her phone.

"Can I have two cones of mango,please."I say as I point at the ice cream.

"Of course."After I paid her,I sat outside on a table,waiting for Orpheus to make his presence known.

I hope he comes back quickly because it won't be my fault if I eat his ice cream too.

                      A Y T H O R ' S  N O T E

Hi guys!!!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!I literally wrote it while I was on a car ride so I don't like it much.Thank you for reading my story.Have a nice day!!!

Lots of love,Georgia

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