Chapter 4

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"He had beautiful eyes

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"He had beautiful eyes.The kind you could get lost in.And I guess I did."

"It was just one time incident,it won't happen again."Cyrus says for the hundredth time those five minutes.

"Oh yeah?What if a family of dolphins come to haunt me down after what I did to him?"

Almost hitting a dolphin with my surf board was not a pleasant dream to see the night.I always woke up when the dolphin was ready to eat me and that's crazy because when I encounter with them,they are really sweet and playful even with Bailey.

But after I almost hit it,I stopped surfing,dreading at the thought that it will happen again.

"Stop been delusional that will never happen and if it does happen then you have me to protect you."He says confidently,flexing his arms but I am positive that he will make things worse and probably start running and leave me behind.

"Maybe next time."A big sigh comes out of my lips."I promise."I say

"Pinky promise?"I join my pinky finger with him and we kiss it slightly.

"In a few months you'll be a professional surfer,not even months,days since you will have me as your teacher."He smiles proudly.I couldn't disagree,he was the best surfer in town.

A nod at him,faking my enthusiasm because I was nothing but enthusiastic at the moment.I didn't want to surf again but I didn't want to let him down.He was my best friend,the only friend that stayed with me after all those things I went through and I will always be grateful to him that he's my friend.

"Sure,see you in a while?"He nods his head and gives Bailey a kiss at the head.

"See you in a while,read your porn missy."Before I could respond,he runs off with his surf board ready to catch the big waves.

I bend down to take Bailey's collar off to let him play in the waves.I didn't mind to let him free as there was no one on the beach to scream at my ear because he was swimming at the same sea as them.

Like how can you mind such a pure thing like him?

After I took off his collar,he runs off at the direction Cyrus went probably to play with a fish,that's it if he doesn't eat it.I hope not because he will not get kisses from me.Cyrus would definitely be proud of his boy.

I set my pink towel at the ground,and I settle myself down,as the hot sun rays kiss my body.

I put my hat over my face to block the sun as I slowly lose my consciousness.


A string at my cheek wakes me up from my peaceful nap.A groan leaves my dry throat whose in need for a cup of water with many ice cubes.

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