Chapter 6

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The hot pot burns my hand,making me hiss in pain

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The hot pot burns my hand,making me hiss in pain.I place my hand under the cold water to soothe the burning pain.A sigh of relief leaves my lips as the cold water relaxes my hand muscles and smoothes the pain.

"Okay but seriously,what happened last night?"Cyrus asks as he strolls around the kitchen island,bringing my hand close to his face.

"Jesus!"He hiss out,looking at my redden hand.

"Stop being dramatic and nothing happened last night."I lied through my teeth.I honestly hated lying to him but it was better than telling him what was the truth behind our crying session last night.

"Don't lie young lady!I can read you like an open book and I have never read a book in my entire existence."He points his finger at me,waving it between my eyes.

"Like I told you,nothing happened."I look at him straight in the eyes,thinking he will believe me with my body language but his look said the opposite.

"Lils,whatever happened last night you can tell me,I hate seeing you like this and besides we are not supposed to keep secrets from one another."

I close my eyes tight and put my fists at both side of my head,provided to stop the inner voices in my head.

And most importantly his voice.

His words were ringing in my ears every since last night.I wanted to bang my head at the table to feel a minute of serenity.

My tears were floating down my cheeks and I tried my best to keep them in and not let them down.

Shame overwhelms me and I mentally curse myself for acting so immature in front of Mr Adair.I should have been strong and faced him with an open mind,not letting his words get to me.

The cold air made my tears dry against my cheeks and my lips to get chapped.My muscles in my face tense up as result a headache to be created.My neck burns as if someone has his hand around it,closing my respiratory system.I rub my neck with my hand,chasing to catch my breath but it was worthless because every sob that left my mouth my neck felt achy.

The intese sound of a car sounds blocks behind me and i quicken my pace,dreading the thought of something bad happening or even conforting with anyone in the middle of the night.

My heart rate rizes and my hands start to sweat.I take deap breaths,keeping my mind open in case i need to run away from the car.

I turn around,seeing the black car slowing down.The black windows didn't help to decrease my anxiety.The car comes to a stop just beside me and i wait for a moment to run.The person opens the door and slams it loudly behind him.

A scoff leaves my mouth before i can keep it.

"Get in the car,Liliya."He states as he could decide for myself.I should run away the moment i heard a car coming my way.Then i wouldn't saw his face.

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