Chapter 9

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The moment the ship sailed I felt a feeling of calmness taking over my body

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The moment the ship sailed I felt a feeling of calmness taking over my body.I thought it was a good idea telling him to come with me but this morning I had my doubts.I didn't want to push him away from me because of something stupid I said.

There could be many reasons as to why he didn't come.As he told me he was busy with work and I don't blame him,I wouldn't leave my job to go to a stupid book bazaar either.But the knot in my stomach decide to stay there despite the fact of knowing the actual reason.

I enjoyed our time we spend with each other even if most of the time it was one sided conversation.The thought of him not wanting to spend time with me made me want to cry.

I exhale slowly and I bring the pink straw on my lips,tasting the mango flavour of the juice.A grimace of disgust takes over my face.Everything with mango tasted good especially lip gloss,but sadly mango juice was an expectation.Hell,that thing is so sweet,you can't even drink half of it.

I close my eyes,letting my head rest at the back of my seat.The sun hit my face and that made me feel peaceable.The sound of the waves,hitting the ship while it moved was heaven to my ears.

The seat beside me moved and my curiosity grew the best of me.A small gasp leaves my mouth at the person sitting beside me,not looking bothered at all.
He adjusted his sunglasses and looks ahead of us as I am not beside him.

"You came."I whisper more to myself than him.

Moments of silence follows and I grew eager to hear his response.

"I didn't come for you."He says lowly."I mean I did come for you but..."He rubs his hand over his jawline."Fuck this."

I stare down at my cup,thinking of a way to start a conversation.I talked a lot but his presence made me think my words twice.

"Do you like mango juice?You can have mine,I don't really like it."

"I don't like mango juice."He sighs.

"What do you like?"

"Not anything sugary."

"So am I supposed to throw it away."I purse my lips together.

He groans and he takes the bottle from my hands.He lifts the straw to his lips,tasting the juice.My eyes follow his movement and linger on his lips longer than it's needed to.Realisation hits me.He drank from the same straw as me.So that means that we basically kissed.Heat spreads across my neck and then my cheeks.

I look ahead of me,scared of him seeing me all hot and bothered.I mean it wasn't a big of deal,right?

The wind blows my hair on my face,hiding my face from his sight.

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