🪴shinsou comfort

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I was feeling kinda depressed so this chapter is purely an outlet and a way to comfort myself but it's not that specific

there's a LOT of kisses and cuddles too so enjoy being pampered by our eepy boy <3
it's gender ambiguous but it does mention the UA pretty boys which is inclusive to everyone kinda like how guys and dude can be referred to anyone :)

I hesitate before the door. The hall monitors aren't at Shinsou's floor at the moment, but they're slowly making their way back upstairs for their nightly patrol. Second guessing myself, the thought of just going back to my room and pretending to not have even gone out at all quickly comes to mind, but just as quickly leaves. My hand goes back up to the door to knock and I clutch onto the pillow I had brought with me.

But before I could even tap the door, Shinsou opens it, nearly making me jump. "I knew it," he says, grabbing my arm to usher me inside. He directs me to his bed as he closes the door quietly, as to not alert the patrol robots.

I almost immediately curl up into the sheets, hugging the pillow. Shinsou's computer was still on, softly playing the playlist I've heard almost every time I've came here during after hours. The only other source of light was the automatic LED lights I had helped him put under his bed since he kept tripping in the dark. I dig my face into the mess of pillows and blankets, the faint smell of who slept here comforting me.

"You're up later than usual," he says, sitting next to me and pulling the blanket over his lap.

"Yeah, and how many times did you open the door thinking I was there?" I joke, getting a light laugh from the insomniac. I pull my face out of the covers and look up at him. His bed head was messier than ever, eyebags clearly visible even in the middle of the night's darkness. "Did you have another depressive episode again?"

He was spot on. He's on the mark every time it happens. It doesn't matter whether or not I stay in my room, wallowing in my depression and anxiety alone or end up making the walk all the way down to the general ed's dorms in my fluffy slippers. Shinsou always knows something's up and waits for me to show up at his door in my pajamas clinging to my pillow or wrapped in my blanket. Either that, or just coming to my room himself in his matching little fluffy slippers and let himself in without knocking to stop me from spiraling further into my depression and anxiety episode.

"Yeah," I say, my grip tightening on his shirt. "Just stupid thoughts and memories." He leans on his elbow and combs his fingers through my hair, brushing it out of my face. "I'd tell you that you don't need to worry about it anymore and that it's all bs but you already know that."

I close my eyes and relax as he scritched the back of my head, sending shivers down my spine. I focused on that and the angsty ass playlist he was playing. A new song had started playing, and of course it had to be an MCR song. I'm not complaining though, Helena is an amazing song and is in a bunch of my sleepless playlists too but Shinsou had some really stereotypical angst songs.

"I feel like every time I get confident and like everything's good now, either something happens or I just have another random crying session again," I mutter into his stomach, wrapping my arms around his waist. Shinsou's hand grazed down to hold my face, his thumb rubbing against my cheek. He didn't raise my head to look at him or anything, letting me stuff my face into him. "Yeah, the brain's fucked up like that," he said. "There are just certain things that are hard to forget, even if you want to."

Various x Reader OneshotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang