Chapter 3

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Your pov:

"Thank you everyone again for coming! we are grateful to have such a supportive fandom!" you spoke in to the microphone. "Goodnight Berlin!" you all added.

The stage went black, Shaylan and Fern walked off stage.

Our show had concluded and the platforms had start lowering us below the stage making the screams muffled. That was the best performance we had so far, it felt amazing! Everyone sung along to the songs, we even brought a few fans up to the stage.

We appeared from below the stage and ran up the stairs, headed back towards the others. All 4 us embraced in a loving group hug we had finally made it!

Tears were forming in your eyes as you and your band had just finished your biggest concert ever, it was the best accomplishment.

"We did it guys!" Fern cried amongst tears of joy, in fact we all started tearing up.

Tanya broke from the hug and wiped her eyes, "I know all thanks to your guys efforts, I love you all so much"

You started crying and pulling them all into a hug again, "Thank you guys!"

Breaking the hug again you all laughed, you were all sweaty and gross from the performance. Going back to the storage room we put away our instruments.

"OMG YOU GIRLS PERFORMANCE WAS AMAZING!" we heard someone gush behind us.

We turned around to see Katie with a big smile on her face, "I am so proud of you girls!" she added. "Oh and by the way girls, you have been invited to a party at west hill mansion, in honour of your achievements that you have accomplished" she mentioned.

"A party? Don't we have to leave tomorrow?" Shaylan replied to her. "I thought we were leaving Berlin?"

"No you guys will be staying for about the whole week, your fandom has grown so much here meaning you have a lot of events booked out, oh there is a band that is interested in meeting you girls as well, they could also possibly be at the party" Katie responded and urged you guys to get your things.

A band interested in meeting us? huh random.

"Oh and remember Shaylan that you girls have a show later on in the week, the next 2 days are your rest days" She said and then left us to go get our stuff.

Going back to the dressing room to freshen up and change into some comfy clothing. We scanned the room asking sure we hadn't forgotten anything and left it. we then met back up with Katie who was waiting for us at the door.

"Ok, girls you know the drill, you basically have to race out to the car and then you change in the bus" Katie instructed us.

You headed back the way you entered the venue and out the double doors planning to run to the tour bus.

The show had concluded, but there were still tons of fans still surrounded you guys. You sprinted to the car with your bandmates and Katie following quickly behind you. The flashes from the cameras of paparazzi were blinding, Screams were deafening and made your ear drums want to burst.

Finally you were inside, shutting the door behind and starting the bus.

"Omfg! My poor ears" Tanya sighed and winced in pain as she was covering her ears.

"Alright, we have to find something to wear" you replied to her making your way to the back where your suit cases were.

You grabbed out a few laced crops and a couple low rise baggy jeans of a big suitcase placing them on your seat then searching through another you found some air Jordan's in black and white which you placed next to the other pieces of clothing.

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