Chapter 18

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Your pov:

"That bitch is going to pay" you muttered.

Everyone looked at you in shock. You were so deep in thought that you hadn't realised Bill and Tanya were back. Everyone had their gazes on you and looked really concerned.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Bill asked breaking the silence.

"Oh- uh yeah, i'm alright!" you spoke. "We should get going!"

The group all poured into the car and they were on their way to the beach.

"My love..." Tom uttered from next to you, he placed his hand on your thigh an started rubbing it in circles. His beautiful almond brown eyes admired you. "I want to apologise again for the katie thing that happened earlier."

"Its alright, i'm fine" You responded in a cold tone.

"No its not alright and you are not okay!" He slightly raised his voice then calmed down. "I really did not mean for any of that to happen, I despise Katie."

Your heart softened at his words. Poor boy thinking he was the cause of this was his fault.

"Tom, Baby. I am fine, its okay." You smiled and cuffed his chin.

Tom's pov:

Baby? My stomach was filled with butterflies and I could feel the heat rise in my cheeks. A rush of so many emotions came over me, in my mind I was jumping with joy.

"Tom?" y/n snapped me out of my thoughts.

Snickers were heard behind me, I looked back to see Georg and gustav with fern and Shaylan. In front of us was Tanya and Bill, I could tell they were eavesdropping on our conversation.

"Sorry, I was lost in my thoughts for a bit." I managed to get out finally.

"Can you guys shut up for a bit." Katie grumbled while staring daggers at y/n. "Tom needs someone to fufill his needs like me and not someone like you who could pass as a rat." she snapped

I hated her with a passion, she was attempting to break y/n and I apart. I don't want to lose her as she is the most important thing to me right now.

"Katie wha-" I was about to say something before I was cut off by someone interrupting me.

"Katie, I know you're an attention seeking whore but you really need to back the fuck away before shit gets worse for you." Y/n shot back at her with anger and fury in her eyes.

I couldn't lie that I was a little proud of her, I had never seen her this angry before and it was kind of turning me on. Fuck, stop having these thoughts

The car was at loss for words, then everyone erupted into laughter while she pouted and turned away from all of us.

"That's my bestfriend!" Tanya applauded in the middle of laughter.


We had arrived at the beach and it was the perfect temperature. the sun was blazing and shouting beams that reflected off the rough current, it was a perfect day. Once the car was parked, everyone had grabbed their belongings and begun looking for a place to set up.

Y/n had sprinted towards the sand lay down.

"God, I missed this." She smiled while staring at the sun. "Tom! Look!"

I turned over to see her sprinting into the water and instantly diving in. The waves were dancing among her and she looked the happiest she has ever been.

"Y/n! I need to talk with you about something real quick!" Tanya spoke which got her out of the water for a bit.

She ran off with Tanya and I was here with the rest of the group. Katie was approaching me...

Your pov:

You couldn't believe how long it had been since you have been to the beach. You have been so busy preparing for our Europe tour that you forgot how it felt. The water was so refreshing against your skin and the sun was blazing creating the perfect temperature.

"Y/n! I need to talk with you about something real quick!" Tanya shouted and you ran up to her, you guys walked off along the beach so you could have a little more privacy.

"So? What was it you needed to talk to me about?" you asked her out of curiosity.

"Okay, first are you and Tom a thing? And, second, what was your reason for leaving Germany anyway?" She responded. "I know the Germany thing is really random for me to bring up but Bill won't stop asking me about it"

"Why doesn't he come ask me himself?" You replied.

"He's bit shy and doesn't want to upset you" She responded mocking Bill a bit.

"You do a great impression" You giggled a bit. "Anyway, If he wants to know, he will have to come talk to me"

"What about me? I don't know why you left!" She shot back a little disappointed.

"Trust me you know why, also I want to explain to him in private why I stopped coming. Its a little personal" You replied. "Alright, lets get back to the group. And answer to your first question, not yet but hopefully soon"

You walked back to where the group was with Tanya and saw that the whole group was shouting at Katie even John.

"Yo what even happened?" Tanya asked. The whole group turned to look at us while Tom's eye locked in with mine, They were filled with sadness and anger. The poor guy looked like her was going to cry out of anger. Katie was mad and she looked me in the eyes.

"What does she have, that I don't!" She screams. "I AM MORE ATTRACTIVE THAN HER, WHY HER!"

"Shut the fuck up!" Tom yelled at her.

"Tom what is going on?" You shouted.

"Why don't you go tell her huh Tom?" Katie smiled while the biggest smirk appeared on her face. "Well, go on and tell her!"

Everyone was looking at Katie like she was crazy.

"Tell me what..."


I am like so dead rn, its been ages since I have updated this lol. Hope you like!

(I didn't proof read btw because I was kind of in a rush)

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