Two Years Later

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It's been a bit over two years since we moved into Derry. I've gotten used to the small town lifestyle. It's quite quaint and cozy here. Unfortunately, I haven't made much friends other than my neighbor, Mike. He's homeschooled just like me. We would hang out whenever we were able to since we didn't talk to much people in town. The only other people around our age we'd interact with was Henry Bowers and his gang. It was never good interactions but then again why would it be when they called us 'homeschooled freaks.'

Eventually summer came around for us. We'd go around together, dropping stuff off at butcher's shops and similar places. His grandfather made him do it as part of a chore. He didn't really get an allowance but I was given enough for the both of us, $20 biweekly. I saved up the money while it was cold so that during the warm months we'd be able to have more fun. I would start saving at the start of November. I didn't start using that money until June because by then summer truly started. I ended up getting $320 from saving my $20 for 16 weeks. We would end up using the money mainly for snacks and healthcare items. By myself, I'd use it in the arcade and to get groceries for my mom and I when asked.

Later in the day, Mike came over and asked if I could come with him to drop off some meat at a butcher's shop. I immediately got my bike and went with him downtown. We went down to it and I left him to grab some snacks from the drug store nearby. I went inside and ignored the creepy pharmacist and went straight towards the salty snacks. I ended up picking up chips from that area then went over to pick up candy. I got some fruit snacks, pop rocks, gum, Charleston chews, and Dr Pepper licorice. I then look down at my basket and decide that we need drinks. So, I go over to the drinks and look at what there was. There were a ton of different products to look at ranging from soda to water.

I keep looking, deep in thought, wondering what specifically to get and I hear what sounded like Mike next to me. I ignore, not 100% sure it was him, and keep looking.

"You know I don't love you," a voice exactly like Mike's said.

I look up and see that it is Mike, "w-what?"

"I. Don't. Love. You," he said. I look at him in shock, surprised that he knew I liked him. I stared at him in his eyes, trying to keep my cool.

"Okay, you still like me as a friend though right?"

He glared and spoke coldly, "no."

I'm taken aback by this because he's been my best friend for so long. I look at him, with sad eyes, and shrug softly. I then notice his eyes flicker to a red. I know that that's not humanly feasible for eye color to change to something so unnatural, especially since he's not albino.

"Y-You're not Mike..."

"What do you mean Y/N?"

I glare, grab two types of drinks and pay then run out. I don't want to be around something that isn't real. I take my two bags full of snacks and run back to Mike, the real Mike.

He looked at me and noticed something, "hey are you okay? You look shaken up."

"I'm not exactly okay but I don't really want to talk about it."

"Okay, well let's go somewhere then," he said.

We ended up going to the town square and sitting at the bench to eat and drink what I had bought. We then went back home, since the street lights were about to turn on. I ended up relaxing in a really comfy silk pajama set that was in the shade of my favorite color. I then got into bed and drifted off to sleep, excited for another day.

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