Figuring Out It's Neibolt

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After we ended up saying what we saw, we biked to Bill's place. We went into the garage, sitting around as he set up a map and a projector. Bill ends up putting a slide on where it shows the sewers against the map.

"Look," Bill says as he points to a spot on the map, "that's where G-Georgie disappeared, t-that's the Iron-Works, and t-the Black Spot."

He ended up continuing with a sigh, "everywhere it happens, it's all connected and they all meet at the-."

"The well house," Ben ended up cutting in.

"It's the house on Neibolt Street," Stan tells everyone.

"You mean that creepy-ass house where all the junkies and hobos like to sleep," Richie asks.

I look over to see Eddie using his inhaler. I give him a concerned look, because obviously it doesn't mean something good is happening.

"I hate that place," Beverly shakes her head, "it always feels like it's watching me."

"That's where I saw it," Eddie says frantically, "that's where I saw the clown."

"T-That's where I-It lives," Bill stutters out.

We keep talking about it where it got to the point Eddie went into a frenzy. He ends up pulling down the map while freaking out. Then the projector ends up flicking to pictures of a family vacation. I look at it confused and get up to walk towards the projector, trying to see what's wrong.

"What are you doing Y/N," Beverly asks.

"Checking out what's wrong," I say shrugging it off. It keeps flipping through the pictures, faster and faster.

I keep looking and then see It on one of the slides and step away from the projector, "guys?"

They look confused as I turn around and look at the pictures going faster and faster.  Then the clowns face shows up on the picture of the family.

"What the fuck," Richie yells.

"It's It," Bill yells, "Y/N get away from there!"

I rush towards the garage door, wanting out but it wouldn't move.

"Turn it off! Turn it off," Beverly screams as she watched in horror.

I hear someone kick the projector as I continue trying to open the garage door, that still doesn't want to budge. I turn around to see the projector almost completely on the ground and see the picture paused on the clowns face. I hold my breath as it ends up popping out and towards me since I was still trying to pry the door open. I scream and cover my face in fear as someone ends up getting the door open. I look up to see sunlight and no more clown.

"What the fuck! What the fuck," I scream, panting from fear.

"It saw us," Eddie exclaims, "It saw us, and It knows where we are."

"It always did," Bill tells him.

"So comforting," I say sarcastically, trying to steady my breathing.

"So let's go," Bill says as he helps me up then heads to our bikes.

"Go? Go where," Ben ends up asking.

"Neibolt. T-That's where G-Georgie is."

I end up staring at him. He just saw what happened and he wants to go to where It is??

"After that," Stan asks, confused.

"Yeah, it's summer. We should be outside," Richie says, a little annoyed.

"If you s-say it's summer one more f-f-fucking time..." Bill says, getting angry and getting on his bike.

"Bill! Wait," Beverly calls after him as he rode his bike away. Then Beverly gets on her bike and goes after him. I follow after her and the rest of the gang follows.

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