It Took Beverly

47 0 0

Third Person
When the entire group got to the house, they dropped their bikes. Bill pointed to the spiked fence post and said they could use it as a weapon if needed, they would just have to grab it now if wanted. Eddie took off his fanny pack and threw it across the yard, the rest of the group not fully knowing why. Richie grabbed a random glass bottle from the lawn and broke it off on the steps. It ended up breaking way too small to be used as a weapon so he tossed it away. They all walked up to the door, a mix of being ready and scared flushed over all of them. Bill opened the door to the worst house in existence and the group walked in. They all followed Bill down to where the well was. The group crowded around it, not knowing how to get down there.

"Hey, Eddie," Richie asked, "you got a quarter?"

"I wouldn't want to make a wish in that fucking thing," Eddie said with a glare.

"Beverly," Ben shouts down the well.

"How are we supposed to get down there," Mike asks as he looks down the well.

Bill ended up finding a rope and picked it up. Mike goes over to him and they hang it up and drop one side down into the well. Mike pulls on it, checking if the rope is stable enough. Bill ends up being the first one to go down, mainly because he's the most determined and emotionally involved since the clown has fucked with his life more than anything. Then one by one, we all try to get down. Mike goes last but before he's able to make it to the group, he ends up having to deal with Henry Bowers. Henry ends up laughing and pulls the rope up and out of the well. Chaos ensues and once when Henry was out, Mike went down the well.

After a while Richie ends up speaking up, "guys? Where's Stan?"

After that, everyone was looking around wondering where he went. Eddie ends up shouting for Stan, in hopes he'd respond but to no avail. Then the group goes down into the sewer, looking for both Stan and Beverly now.

"Oh shit, grey water," Eddie says with disgust in his tone and on his face.

Then the group kept going, still yelling for Stan. They kept going and hear a scream.

"Stan," Mike and Y/N both exclaim in unison.

They ended up going and eventually found him. There was a creepy looking woman towering over him as he cowered in fear.

"What the fuck is that," Y/N screams.

Right after she screamed that, the creepy woman ran off into a passageway. Y/N and Richie ended up running up to Stan, helping him up and back to the group. He ends up moving away from the group and screams at them.

"No! You left me! You took me into Neibolt," he ended up screaming with tears in his eyes, "you're not my friends!"

"Stan, we're sorry."

"You took me into Neibolt," he said softly as tears then ran down his face. Y/N pulled him into a hug as he sobbed. He ends up calming down shortly after. Afterwards, they heard a shuffle and saw Bill running into a passageway. It looked, to the group, like he was running after someone. The group soon followed, mainly because they didn't want him to get lost like Stan. While they go down shining their flashlights everywhere, they see a bunch of creepy faces surrounding them. They all scream and keep running until they reach an open area with a mountain of objects, toys mixed in. Surrounding the mountain was a bunch of floating bodies.


"How is she in the air," Richie questions, slightly scared.

"Hey guys," Y/N says as she looks and points at the kids floating.

"Are those..."

"The missing kids. Floating," Stan finishes Eddie's sentence.

"We need to get her," Y/N says about Beverly as she walks up to her floating body.

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