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Third Person
July 4th had finally arrived and the losers club ended up meeting up downtown. Bill had looked at the missing posters that were put on top of the older ones. Betty Ripsom's was right underneath, practically forgotten. Richie and Eddie were off doing separate things outside of the alleyway the group was in. They were throughout, not truly knowing what was going on.

"Is it ever going to end," Stan asked.

"What are you guys talking about," Eddie ended up asking before he licked one of the two ice cream cones in his hands.

"What they always talk about," Richie says as he takes the other ice cream cone from Eddie.

"I actually think it will end," Ben explained, "for a little while at least."

"What do you mean," Beverly asked confused while the rest looked at him confused.

"So I was going over all of my Derry research and I charted out all the big events. The Ironworks explosion in 1908, The Bradley Gang in '35, and The Black Spot in '62," Ben explained to the group, "And now kids being..." Ben trails off and looks down. "I realize that this stuff seems to happen.."

"Every 27 years," Bill and Ben ended up saying in unison.

I looked over at Bill, curious and worried about what he would say next.

"We should talk about this somewhere else."

We end up going somewhere else, with a few of the group sitting down and the rest standing or leaning.

"So, let me get this straight, It comes out from wherever to eat kids for, like, a year? And then what? It just goes into hibernation," Eddie questioned.

"Maybe it's like..." Stan trailed off, clearly thinking, "what do you call it? Cicadas. Y'know, the bug that comes out once every 17 years."

Mike ends up speaking up, "My grandfather thinks this town is cursed. He says that all the bad things that happen in this town are because of one thing. An evil thing that feeds off the people of Derry."

"But it can't be one thing," Stan exclaims, "we all saw something different."

"Maybe," Mike spoke softly, "Or maybe It knows what scares us most and that's what we see."

"I-I saw a leper," Eddie stuttered out, "he was like a walking infection."

"But you didn't. Because it isn't real. None of this is. Not Eddie's leper, o-or Bill seeing Georgie, or the woman I keep seeing," Stan says with a hint of disgust in his voice.

"Is she hot," Richie jokes and I roll my eyes.

"No, Richie! She's not hot," Stan almost yells he then continues and shakes his head, "Her face is all messed up. None of this makes any sense. They're all like bad dreams."

Mike sighed as he explained how it didn't seem like a dream because he knows the difference between a bad dream and real life. After that he was questioned by Eddie. Mike ends up explaining about the house on Harris Avenue that ended up on fire and how he was in it but got out. He had a tone of sadness when he talked about his parents not being able to get out due to being trapped. He ended up tearing up when he talked about how his parents skin was burned off. I ended up holding his hand in comfort, to make him know he's not alone anymore.

"Did you see anything Y/N," Mike ended up asking, more to change the subject.

"I did but I don't want to talk about it," I ended up telling the group since it was literally a fake Mike.

"What's your fear," Eddie ended up asking me instead.

"I fear a few things. One is losing an item special to me, that's why I was so emotional when losing the purse. The more bigger fear is not being loved and tied to being told by the person I love the most that they hate me."

The group ended up looking at me with saddened eyes and thankfully Eddie ended up asking Richie the same question.

"What about you, Rich? What are you afraid of?"

He ended up shuffling slightly and pushed up his glasses while looking at the group, "clowns."

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