Henry Bowers

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Third Person
Y/N woke up to her mom telling her that Mike wanted to hang out. So she hopped up and got dressed in a cute bee shirt with black shorts. She brought her small purse with her, stocked back up with $75. She runs downstairs to see her mom talking to Mike. She grabbed Mike's hand as they both said bye and left the house.

They hopped on their bikes and started going around town, doing almost nothing but talking. They were both happy and content with what was happening even if it seemed boring. They ended up biking near a bunch of foliage and hear a car engine roaring and going toward them. Bowers and his gang ended up ganging up on them and pulling them down to a stream. Henry ended up telling Belch to hold Y/N while Victor looked through her purse, grabbing the $75 in the process. Henry after taking the money from Victor and pocketing it, starting punching Mike and pushing him down into the rocks.

"Stop! You're hurting him," Y/N had screamed at Henry wanting Mike to be safe.

As Y/N was screaming at Henry, the losers club found the two bikes and dropped theirs running into the trees to help the two. Mike almost got his head bashed in by a rock Henry held. Mike and Y/N both struggled to break free from their captors because they both knew something was gonna happen soon and didn't want it to happen.

Unknowingly to the two, Beverly was on the other side of the stream getting ready to throw a rock. Once the rock hit Henry, the group looked over.

"Nice throw," Stan tells her as Y/N and Mike scramble over to the losers club's side. Ben ended up throwing a rock then Richie screamed 'Rock War' before getting hit in the face with a rock.

Y/N looked over to Mike and mouthed 'are you okay' and he nodded. They both grabbed a rock and got up throwing the rocks with the rest of the group. The gang ended up running away as Y/N took a deep breath and started to look for her purse. She kept looking then started to tear up not being able to find it. Her now deceased cousin had given it to her and it was all she had left. Beverly noticed first and went over to comfort Y/N.

"Thanks, guys, but you shouldn't have done that. They'll be after you guys, too, now," Mike told the group.

"Oh, no, no, no. Bowers? He's always after us," Eddie says, looking back at Mike and then to Y/N.

"I guess t-that's one t-t-t-thing that we all have in common," Bill says as they all start to head out.

"Yeah, Homeschools. Welcome to the Losers Club," Richie says to them. They all go up and grab their bikes.

As Eddie picked up his bike he looked over to Y/N and walked towards her, "hey are you okay?"

She looked at him and sighed, "no, not really."

Stan heard and looked over, "what's wrong? What happened?"

Y/N dried her eyes and looked at the group who were looking back at her.

"One of them took my purse. Not only did it have some of my money and other important items, but the purse was given to me by a family member," she paused and teared up again, "I was close to them and now, well, they're dead."

They look at her sympathetically and put their bikes down. They give her a group hug and give her comfort.

She cried more and more while trying to speak, "s-she was l-like my sister. She w-was younger too..."

Bill perked up when he heard that part, "h-how'd she d-d-die?"

Y/N composed herself and looked at him, "I wasn't immediately told but I pressed for a while and was told she went missing and after a while she ended up being pronounced dead."

"When was this," Beverly asked.

"Not too long ago but it was a few days after my birthday on this rainy day in October. She was excited to go jump in the puddles and I don't know what happened."

Eddie, Richie, and Stan were all quiet while looking over at Bill.

Y/N noticed and looked over at Bill too, who was also tearing up slightly, "Bill are you okay?"

He shook his head and covered his eyes. Stan spoke up for him, "his brother also went missing during October on a rainy day. He was sick that day too so he didn't go with him."

"Do you know if he died," Y/N asked as Beverly, Mike, Eddie and Ben left.

"N-No," he said while shaking his head. Stan and Richie ended up leaving on their bikes making Bill and Y/N alone by themselves.

"C-Can I know w-w-what happened," Bill asked Y/N so that he didn't feel left out.

Y/N nodded and the two ended up going to her home to talk about it. Y/N's mom saw him and told the two she didn't want him going home at the time, due to the streetlights being on. So she told him he'd been having a sleepover at Y/N's that night.

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