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A few days passed and I didn't have much to do. Mike's grandfather made him stay on the farm and do a lot of work so I couldn't hang out with him. So, instead of staying at home and being bored, I decided to go to the arcade that was downtown. I grabbed my new bag and my bike then went straight down. I parked my bike outside and walked in, looking at any of the games to see if they were open. I found a Pac-Man game that was open so just decided to do that. I ended up playing for a while then decided to play Street Fighter. In the middle of a round I felt someone walk up to me and just stand there. I quickly finished the round and turned around.


"Y/N, what are you doing here," he asked, "and playing Street Fighter too?"

"Well I was bored and decided to go here and I like the game."

"Oh, Cool," he said then went to the empty one next to me, "wanna go against me?"

"Sure," I say and we go ahead and start.

After a while we ended up playing several rounds with an almost split win streak for both of us. I decided to head out and go back home to watch some movies while he stayed there. I biked home fairly quickly and made some popcorn and grabbed some snacks from the pantry, mainly M&Ms. I decided to watch movies in the living room instead of my bedroom cause I spend a lot of time in there. I grabbed some dvds from the bookshelf in there and tried to figure out which one to put in first. I had a ton of movies that I found that sounded good but trying to pick a certain amount and then dealing with having to sleep at a point. I ended up looking through the 5 movies I narrowed down to and scanned each cover. There was Big, Heathers, Girls Just Want To Have Fun, Once Bitten, and Killer Klowns From Outer Space. Out of all of them I decided to go with Girls Just Want To Have Fun because it's a pretty good dance movie and it has Shannon Doherty who is older in Heathers so it just makes sense to do that one later.

Once when that was done I popped in Heathers and watched it through. I went to the bathroom and got snacks after that one and once back in the living room, I popped in Big because the concept is goofy and Tom Hanks is a really good actor. After that was finished I put in Once Bitten because vampires are cool and felt a little sleepy towards the middle of the movie. I shrugged it off and put in the last movie, Killer Klowns From Outer Space. After a while, I ended up falling asleep and dreamt about creepy clowns. It made sense to me since clowns were one of the last things on my mind and therefore subconscious. I ended up seeing It in my sleep, probably also because of my subconscious, but was able to shake it and have my dream change to something else. It ended up being some me in this weird place just looking around and it was dirty and dusty. I turned around in the dream and say my cousin and who I presumed to be Georgie. I have no idea why he was there because I've only seen the photos from when we were all in the garage but otherwise I didn't know him. They were both wearing raincoats. Yellow for him and a deep blue for my cousin.

It ended up being so creepy to me that I woke up in a sweat and it was back light out. My mom, over me too.

"Are you okay," she asked, "it seemed like you were having a bad dream."

"Yeah I was," I told her, "is it already morning?"

"Well it's somewhat closer towards lunch," she explained, "but Mike is here and is asking if you want to hang out."

"Oh really," I said and looked down at my dirty clothes I was wearing.

"Tell him that I'll hang out but I'm gonna go change."

She nodded and went to tell him as I ran up the stairs.

Hey y'all the movies also brought up here are some I recommend, especially Big (has Tom Hanks) and Once Bitten (has Jim Carrey).

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