Sleepover with Bill

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My mom ended up giving Bill some old clothes from my dad. Just shorts and a solid color t-shirt. He ended up thanking her then went to change. I ended up putting my VHS tapes into their boxes while waiting cause I didn't have much to do.

"S-So what h-h-happened," I heard him ask and jumped at the same time, not expecting him back so quickly.

"O-Oh... well like I said it was a few days after my birthday on that rainy day," I reminded him and he nodded.

"And w-what else," he asked.

"She wanted to go play in the puddles. Y'know, jump around and stuff. She wanted me to go with so she wouldn't be alone. I wanted to stay inside because I normally get migraines whenever there's a change in atmospheric conditions."

"Do you miss her," Bill asked.

"All the time... I feel guilty I didn't go with her but the migraines I get are painful and make my eyesight blurry. We went to look for her and she was nowhere to be found. After a while we kind of gave up because we know the probability of her even being alive after 48 hours."

Third Person
Bill softly smiled at Y/N and sighed, "what's the probability?"

"It's not that high," Y/N said quietly.

"S-So the odds of me finding G-Georgie are l-l-low..." Bill said with tears welling up in his eyes.

"They're not great," Y/N said then gave him a hug. Bill ended up sobbing in Y/N's arms not wanting to deal with knowing he might never see his brother ever again.

"I-I'm sorry," he sobbed as he hugged her back.

"No. I'm sorry for telling you the chances. You probably didn't need to hear it. You clearly still have hope. My family and I don't have any left."

He looked up at Y/N and dried his eyes.

"Actually Bill, since you still have hope, I'm proud of you for continuing on. It's hard to keep hoping after a while."

Bill smiled and stepped away, "thank you, Y/N. I clearly needed that."

After a while, we ended up playing video games while eating some pizza, that mom got delivered for us. We were in the middle of a 1v1 game when Bill caught me off guard.

"Y-You like M-M-Mike don't you," he said.

"Why are you asking that?"

"I'm n-not a-a-asking. I'm s-stating the o-o-obvious."

I pause the game and sigh, "clearly not obvious enough if he doesn't notice."

"I-I'm sure h-he'll notice," Bill reassured me.

"Okay well since you called me out on who I like them who do you like," I smirked, genuinely curious.

"H-Honestly I-I'm not fully s-sure who," he stuttered out.

"What do you mean?"

"I k-kind of l-l-like t-two people r-right n-n-now."

"Two? Who are the two?"

"U-Um," Bill stuttered, "B-Beverly and S-S-Stan."

"Well I can understand that. Both of them are really nice. Either way, thanks for telling me," I say as I resume the game and beat him.

The night continued on with comfort between the two of us. We felt like best friends and we were relaxed. Once when it got considerably late, we decided to go to sleep. The next day, Bill had gone home early so that his parents wouldn't worry too much.

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