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When I got home, I threw my bike down onto the driveway and ran inside. Richie didn't have to be that much of an asshole. Yeah, his emotions were all over the place because of what happened inside the Neibolt house but so was everyone else's. He doesn't make sense.

Third POV
Y/N ended up feeling a range of emotions. From anger to sadness. She ended up getting so angry that she threw stuff around her room, screamed into her pillow, then cried. She ended up crying for hours. After a while she ended up falling asleep from exhaustion.

The next day, she was awoken by her mom. She had told her that 'one of her friends' was there. She was confused because they were all split up from the chaotic fight that had happened. She had gotten dressed quickly, in a cute bee sweater and black shorts. She ran down the stairs to see Richie in the foyer.

"Tozier," she stated coldly.

"Can we talk, Y/N," Richie asked, "preferably alone."

She rolled her eyes, "fine. We can talk outside."

Y/N ended up pushing him back outside and followed behind him.

Richie pushed up his glasses a bit and sighed, "look. I'm sorry about what I said. Really, I am. It was in the moment and I really wasn't angry at you. I was angry at Bill so I don't know why I singled you out with him."

Y/N glared at him, "you should've known better. Especially with Bill. He still has hope and you both got hurt because of what you said."

"I know, I'm sorry," Richie said.

"Then beg for forgiveness," she said coldly.

Richie, slightly joking, got down on his knees and pleaded for forgiveness. This in turn, made Y/N laugh and she forgave him. He got up afterwards and gave a soft smile.

"I really am sorry, Y/N," he said once more.

"I forgive you," she laughs and gives him a hug.

He hugged her back, "are you doing anything today?"

"No," she said and stepped back from him, curious.

"Well, then you're coming with me and we're going to get you a new purse at the mall. It'll be an apology gift," he says with a smile and holding up $10.

"Just us two? Wouldn't that seem like a date?"

"Yeah," Richie realized, "it would seem like one. Why don't we invite Mike?"

"He doesn't really seem to want to be around the group for a while but we can ask."

They end up going over to Mike's house and knocking on the door. Y/N ended up asking if he wanted to go and Mike felt a little uncomfortable being around Richie after what was said to Y/N. They had to tell him that they made up and the reason they were going out was to help apologize. He ended up agreeing to go with them but also asked who else would go and they didn't have an answer for it.

"I didn't think of anyone else to go with," Richie explained, "either way it really shouldn't be Bill."

"Let's invite Beverly," I say, "y'know so I'm not the only girl."

Both of them nodded and we ended up biking over to Beverly's place. We get there and we end up finding her on the fire escape smoking a cigarette.

"Hey Bev," I yelled up to her, "come down!"

She ends up coming down quickly after noticing the three of us and stomps out her cigarette once she walks up to us.

"Hey guys, what are you doing here. Especially with him," she says pointing at Richie.

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