Closure for Bill & The Oath

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I looked over as Bill walked towards something yellow. I rush over next to him and look down to see something too. A part of the raincoat that Robin wore. It was the label of it that said her name and emergency info. I looked over at Bill who picked up the part that was clearly from Georgie.

He whispered softly, "Georgie..."

"Well there's the sad proof that we both lost them for real," I said with my voice cracking and tears in my eyes. I hug him and he ends up crying first, turning into sobs. Him crying ended up making me cry and it made the group come up to us. They give us a group hug as tears fell.

"We lost them," I spoke softly, with my voice hoarse.

~Small Time Skip~

Still Y/N's POV
We finally get up to the porch, sad but relaxed.

"Bill, are you okay," I ask, since he finally got confirmation that Georgie was dead.

"N-Not really, but I'll figure i-it out," he said, clearly still sad.

"Why don't we have a sleepover," Beverly suggested, "so we can process what happened but also relax since we all know what went on."

"Perfect idea," I say in response, "my place would be the best spot for it though. So meet up at my place after y'all grab pjs and stuff?"

The group nodded and they all left, except Mike.

"Are you okay though, Y/N," Mike asked.

"Honestly, I'm not sure. I already had no hope of finding Robin but it hurts to actually know she is dead."

"Well, at least we get to relax tonight. Maybe we can watch dumb romance movies with the group or something," he said with a chuckle.

"Yeah," I say as we both biked off towards our own homes. I got to mine and he went back to his. Then they all came over and we stayed up but seemed content with the little party that was thrown.


Third Person
School was happening soon but the losers club was still thinking about Pennywise, Georgie, and Robin. Beverly was leaving too, to her aunt's place, mainly because of what happened with her father. The group sat around in a field, not too far from a river.

"I can only remember parts, but I thought I was dead. That's what it felt like. I saw us, all of us together back in the cistern, but we were older, like our parents' ages," Beverly said, explaining to the group what it felt like when she was left with It all alone.

"W-w-what were we all doing there," Bill asked with immense curiosity strung in his voice.

"I just remember how we felt. How scared we were. I don't think I could ever forget that," she told him, sounding like she didn't explain all of it.

Bill sighed as he got up and found a piece of broken glass. He picked it up and turned to the group.

"Swear it. Swear if It isn't dead, if It ever comes back, we'll come back, too," he said, determined. Y/N got up after Beverly did and they both walked up to Bill. The rest of the group followed quickly after. Bill ends up cutting each of their palms, just to make it quicker.

Beverly grabbed Y/N's hand them Ben's hand and they continue the circle. The group stood there in silence for a long moment then broke off when Stan had to go. Eddie and Richie ended up leaving a bit after, Y/N & Mike both noticed they were still holding hands.

"Well I should get going. I need to plan out an emergency bag for school," Y/N said, looking at both Bill and Beverly.

She picked up her bike then noticed that Ben and Mike walked away too. Ben bikes off quickly, the reason pretty much unknown, while Mike & Y/N started walking with their bikes next to them.

"So," Mike began, "emergency bag? Are you becoming Eddie?"

"No, but if you were a girl you would understand," she said with a wide smile.

"Well, I may not understand that much about women but I do know quite a lot about feelings," he told her.

"Oh really," she said with a challenging tone, being not too far from Mike's face.

"Yes, I do," he said with a wide grin and he kissed her softly.

Y/N was taken aback but smiled and melted into the kiss, softly kissing him back.

Mike pulled away and looked her in the eyes, "I love you, Y/N."

"I love you too, Mike."

Hey guys! Just so you know this is the final chapter. I don't plan on doing a chapter 2 for the book. I'm sorry if you were expecting one.

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