Chapter 8

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Time passed quickly with Khaled and Nalan, and it was time for them to move to the battlefield for the third mission. Khaled and Nalan arrived at the battlefield along with the fortune-teller, and it was time for each of them to open the book and read the third mission. They stood in the middle of the battlefield, and each of them began to read the words that appeared for the third mission.

The Third mission

"You, the chosen ones, must advance to the northern gate that leads to the big mountain. There you will find a gate that leads to a cave. Inside the mountain, you must go there and once you arrive, open the book again."

Khaled and Nalan mounted their horses and headed quickly towards the northern gate that leads to the big mountain. It took them half an hour to get there.

After they arrived at the foot of the great mountain, Khalid and Nalan found the gate that led into a cave. Inside the mountain, they had to go there and open the book again once they arrived. Khalid and Nalan rode their horses quickly towards the northern gate that led to the great mountain. It took them half an hour to get there.

After they arrived in front of the great mountain, they found the gate that led inside it and approached it. They found themselves inside a dark cave, but the light of the lamps started to shine inside the cave on both sides, where there were groups of olive oil lamps on each row. Khalid and Nalan started to take steps inside the cave until they remembered that they had to open the book to know what the next step was.

Khalid and Nalan opened the book to complete the rest of the third task. "Walk until the end of the cave, then you will find a ladder that descends below it until you find a man sleeping on a bed. This man is sick and has been in a coma for more than fifty years. The task is to cure this man of his coma and wake him up. Success in this task is considered significant, as the winner will receive twenty points, but when the man wakes up from his coma, he will reward the winner with a large reward... Execute the mission now."

The words in the book came to an end and Khalid and Nalan had to awaken the man who had been in a coma for fifty years. However, they were not doctors, so how could they awaken him? And what would happen if they failed this task? That meant they would not be able to leave this place if they failed. Nalan asked Khalid why each task was harder than the last one and what the final task would be like. And now, how could they awaken this man when they did not yet know the reason that put him into this coma?

Khalid approached the man's bed and began to examine his face and heartbeat. His vital functions were working well and his heart was beating normally, but how could they make his mind respond and awaken him? Khalid began to talk next to the man as if he could hear him and said, "Oh, sleeper, isn't it time for you to wake up from this deep sleep? Don't you miss your family and loved ones? They are waiting for you."

Nalan stopped Khaled and said to him, "What are you doing? Do you think he can hear you? Even if his ear can hear you, do you know if someone is already waiting for him or not? Perhaps someone among his loved ones caused what he is going through. We need to know the reason so that we can find a solution.

Khaled and Nalan began to search the room thoroughly for something that might explain why the man was in a coma. However, the room was empty except for the man lying on the bed, a chair, a water bottle, and some white honey and bread. Khaled and Nalan asked why there was water, bread, and honey in the room, and why this man was in a coma. However, there was a note next to the bottle stating that the water, honey, and bread were their daily sustenance until they finished their mission.

The note also said that no matter how much they ate, the water and honey would not run out, and the bread would always return to its original state whenever they ate from it again. It seems that this mission will take a long time and will not be completed quickly like the previous two tasks of waking up a man from his coma that doctors were unable to do for fifty years.

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