Chapter 10

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After the fourth mission was completed and the fires were extinguished, Tiam took his father to his palace to treat the burns he suffered from the fire. Khalid went with Nalan to the palace as well, where Tiam ordered the servants to prepare a room for Khalid and to send someone to treat his wounds and Nalan's wounds, and to send a doctor to treat the burns that had afflicted Tiam's father. Hatun left her room to go see that Nalan and Khalid were bleeding from the same places, and she saw a stranger with Tiam whom she did not know. She was confused about where to go, to Nalan or to Tiam, to find out who this man was, but her heart could not bear it and she went straight to Nalan's room to find out what happened to him and to treat him herself.

Hatun entered the room in anxiety and fear for Nalan and approached him, asking him what happened and what afflicted him. He told her that what happened to him this time was too much, he did not imagine that his grandfather was still alive and that what he did to his father was unbelievable. His father has the right to hate this family that claims to be the Salmanis, and now he wants to win over Khalid and win this time no matter what happens, even if it means taking his father's right and my sister, who was killed without any guilt, has become confused and doesn't understand what Nalan is saying, or which grandfather is still alive.

She said to him, 'Please help me understand, my son. Tell me everything from the beginning.' Nalan began to narrate everything from the beginning to the end, including Tiam's victory over himself, the extinguishing of the fires, and the man who is with Tiam now, who is his father and the cause of his suffering and loneliness. Hatun couldn't believe what she had heard, but she understood that Tiam had met his father who had put him in a coma. For the first time, she learned the reason why Tiam did that to his father and for the first time, she knew that Tiam and his mother had suffered in their childhood because of his father. The biggest surprise was that Salmani is Tiam's elder brother and Qasim is his nephew. What a shock it was when the brother killed his nephew with cold blood. Therefore, what Tiam is doing is his right, and the fire in his heart will not be extinguished by anything, and time will not change anything that happened in the past."

On the other side, Khaled was in his room with some servants trying to dress and clean his wounds. He was in pain and at the same time felt that he would return to his people defeated. However, after what he heard and learned, he didn't know what to do. He believed that his grandfather, Al-Sulmani, was wrong and that the mistake he made was unforgivable. He also believed that his grandfather and great-grandfather were criminals against the man named Tiam. He thought about what he would do if he were in Tiam's place and something like this happened to him, would he act like Tiam did?

However, when he looked at the city that Tiam had built and the people under his control, he began to see that without that punishment and desire for revenge, Tiam would not have been able to become better than Al-Sulmani and to be the king of a country he established, with his own laws. Tiam had used his hatred and malice to raise himself and his status.

He had become a successful person in his private life and was not the bad person that his father had portrayed him to be. The motives were what led him to do this, and even now, the guilty parties in this story were his grandfather and his father, Al-Sulmani, and also Al-Qasim, who did nothing to restore the rights of the girl who died because of him. Many thoughts began to swirl in Khaled's mind, and he began to analyze the situation. But the more he thought and analyzed, the more confused he became.

While he was thinking and the servants around him were treating his wounds, Yasmina entered Khaled's room secretly without anyone from her family or brothers seeing her. She came to check on Khaled. Khaled couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Yasmina in his room. She was a girl of extreme delicacy and beauty. She said to Khaled, "I apologize for entering without permission, but I came to check on you. I knew that you were injured in this mission. Although I still don't know what missions you and Nalan are doing, no one in my family has told me what is happening and what the story is. I came to you to tell me the story and how you came to our city of Ashendi and what is the secret of the laws that you are enforcing."

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