Chapter 11

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In a meeting with his wife Hatun, Tiam started a conversation with her about the spiritual bond that connects Khaled and Nalan, and that he must find a solution to break this bond between them, so as not to hurt Nalan later if he faces Khaled in a sword fight in the upcoming missions. Hatun told him that yes, he must find a solution to that, and the spiritual bond between them must be cut, as she did not want her son to be hurt. She said that as he told her, if one of them is injured, the other feels the same pain and bleeds from the same place. Despite all these long years that have passed between them and that they have not grown up together, the spiritual bond between them is still very strong, but what is the solution to this?

Tiam told her, "I know the solution. I will go to one of the kings of the jinn who are under my service, and ask him to do something to break the spiritual bond between them." Tiyam left the meeting and went to his sanctuary where he prepares the jinn. He began reciting one of the powerful spells that enable him to summon a king of the great jinn. The Green King appeared before Tiyam and said to him, "What do you want, Tiam? Why did you call me?" Tiam greeted him and said, "I am eager to serve you, O Green King.

I want you to break the spiritual bond between Khaled and Nalan. You know that they are twins, but neither of them knows that, and I don't want either of them to know. That's why I want you to break that bond between them before starting the new mission. I don't want Nalan to be affected if something happens to Khaled. Please don't let me down and do this service for me." The Green King replied, "I will do this service for you, Tiam, but I don't know the side effects that may affect one of them later, after breaking that spiritual bond." Tiam asked him, "What do you mean by side effects?" The Green King explained that the breaking of the spiritual bond between them is like a rope that connects their hearts, as if their souls are one. Even if he can separate this bond between them, it will have side effects on them, such as fatigue and lack of focus at first, but then they will recover their health as if they were separate souls with no connection to each other.

Do you want me to start separating them?" Tiam answered affirmatively, "Yes, start separating the spiritual bond between them before the next mission." The king said, "Then I will leave now, and the separation will take place in a quarter of an hour from now. You will know for yourself when Khaled and Nalan meet together. You can hurt Khaled in his hand and see if Nalan will be affected or not. But do this as if it were a coincidence and not planned, so that Khaled won't suspect anything."

Thank Tiam the Green King for his response to his request. The Green King left Tiam's presence, and Tiam went to his bedroom to see Hatun. He told Hatun that what he wanted had been done, but he had to arrange something to make Khalid get hurt in his hand and for Nalan to be present in the same place to see if the bond between them was really severed or not. Hatun said, "Don't worry, I'll take care of it without anyone noticing that it was arranged."

She told him that they would all gather for lunch now and invite Khaled with them. Everyone would be at the table, and she would have one of the servants drop something on Khaled while serving food. Then, the servant would start cleaning the place on Khaled, and there would be something like a needle sticking to the cloth he was cleaning with.

The servant would accidentally injure Khaled, and then they would see if Nalan feels anything or not. Tiam smiled at her and said it was a great idea, and they should execute it now because there wasn't much time left. Hatun ordered the servants to prepare the table, then called Nalan, Khaled, Wahaj, and Yasmina to the table. The servants followed the orders, and everyone gathered around the table. Hatun ordered one of the servants to pour some soup for everyone, and when it was Khaled's turn, the servant dropped some soup on Khaled's clothes and hand. The servant quickly apologized and said he didn't notice the needle in the cleaning cloth, and he asked for Khaled's forgiveness.

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