to be continued...

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'She's Mine (Jeong Yunho Fanfic)'

Part 2 of the fanfic All mine (choi san fanfic)

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Part 2 of the fanfic All mine (choi san fanfic). Story now revolves around, Yunho. San's friend. Who is also suddenly became interested with Sam.

Is it purely love or its more than that?

It has been a month since we last saw her. She's missing. Pictures of her is all over the news. Family and friends are all trying their best to do something, to know anything just to find her. The police wants to stop the search as its been too long like they are assuming the worst already but San is not giving up. Everyone who loves Sam is not giving up.

San even announced a big reward to anyone that could bring her back to him. He does not care how much he had to pay. All he wants is his wife to be back. To be safe. To be with him. Because the longer this takes the more.... He worries that she might be....

"Find her!" He yells to the detectives they've hired, "Bring her back to me!" Then he throws the glass wine he's holding across the wall.

"My son... please..." his mother tries to calm him down while his father do the talking to their guest. He asks for patience and understanding before he assists them on leaving the premises.

Every day is a struggle for San. Laying down on their bed, alone. Waking up not seeing his wife's smile. Eating alone and no hearing the giggles she would do when they tease each other. Not smelling her scent. Not feeling the warmth of her embrace. He misses her. A lot.

"What did they got?" Yunho enters the room with Diane.

"Where is Channie?" San asks

"I put him to bed..." Yunho answers

"Don't worry... he didn't hear you yell..." Diane adds

"Thank you for taking care of him for me."

"Don't mention it." Diane gives a small smile, "I have to go now... I need to be on a flight early tomorrow."

"Thank you for hiring more people... for me to find her..." San trails off. His voice is weak and hoarse

"We'll find her." She squeezes San's hand before leaving

"You too... Yunho...." San looks at his friend who's standing in the doorway.

"I'm doing what I should do in return... this happened in my watch... and I..." he pauses while he tries to remember searching the whole aquarium place just to find her. "Whoever took her..."

"I will kill him person.. if he ever hurts her or lays a finger on her.... I swear!" He slams his hand on the table

"Son..." his mother tries to calm him down again. "I'll make you coffee to sober you up." His mother leaves the room.

"I'm sure he will not dare too... if he finds out who is he messing with." Yunho suddenly says

Yes. He. They know it is a He. The CCTV cameras showed a man talking to Sam. He got caught in 3 different cameras. Lucky for them. But what sucks is that in those 3 shots, his face was never shown. He's wearing a cap and a hoodie. He looks suspicious yet Sam talked to him like she knew him.

"Did her friend reached out...? The Wooyoung guy.." Yunho adds

"Yeah, he's on the plane now... on his way here... he wants to help."

"So he checks out.... We thought it was him."

San sighs heavily, running his fingers through his hair. "I will seriously kill the person who took her... I swear it on my life!"

Yunho watches his friend crumbles in his anger and frustration. He had never seen him like this before. Vulnerable and weak. He had an episode before when Dean tries to interfere with their relationship, to hurt Sam. But, this one. It's different. He really shows up his dark side when it comes to Sam. When she's not around him. It's like, she is his life support.

Yunho consoles his friend. Talks to him to get it together so he can focus on searching for his wife but then while talking, his phone starts to buzz uncontrollably.

He excuses himself, moved just a few feet away and answers the call.

"It's me." The person across the line begins to talk. "She's asking for you."

"Okay, I'll be home soon." Yunho turns his back and looks at San, "I have to go now...someone is waiting for me back home."

Snorting, San makes fun of Yunho, "you and your horny ass... you still have time to book girls and fuck?"

He chuckles ignoring his remarks, "Sober up. Get yourself together.... If you want to find Sam."


A/n: sorry for being MIA most of the time. busy with life/work and everything in between.

Have a good day!

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