First Force

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Sadly, I went up the stairs to the first floor. I went to Tina's room. I put the dolls in the box and the clothes that were lying around, I put them in front of the door first. After a short time I was already finished with the room and then i went to Sara's room, which was also done quickly.

I took Tina's things and then went to the bathroom. When I entered the bathroom i was shocked. It was all messed up. Dirty laundry piled up next to the washing machine. I saw toothpaste leftovers and powder leftovers in the sink. I put the laundry in the washing machine and turned it on. My grandma had taught me how to do that from the beginning.

I had a lot of to do, so I rolled up my sleeves and started cleaning. I didn't pay attention to time, but I found it very hard for me as a 9 year old child. When I was finally finished, my mother suddenly stood behind me.

She looked around and found 2 places that I hadn't cleaned properly, but that was due to my size, because I just couldn't reach it, not even with the chair I got.

I suddenly felt a blow on my left cheek. It wasn't my mother, but the blow came from my father. I pulled in the air sharply. I held my cheek tight and started crying. My mother didn't say anything, she just watched. Which made me even more sad.

"Why?" I asked and looked very sad. "You are useless... I wonder if you can do anything at all or if anything will ever become of you. I don't believe anything," my father screamed.

I was shocked. How could a father say that to his daughter? To escape the situation, I ran into my room and threw myself on my bed and started crying. The door opened after a short time and I heard how quiet steps came towards me.

The mattress only lowered very slightly next to me. It was Tina. She lay down with me and comforted me. "He has already done that with me... It's not up to you. It's because we're three girls. He really wanted a boy," she said quietly in my ear and stroked my back up and down with her little fingers. I took her in my arms and together we fell asleep.

My life / english Version Where stories live. Discover now