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Yas point


The boat rocked back and forth. The boat came to a stop as Kenji came over to me and sat at the table. Sammy and Daruie came over and sat by us when we saw the door open. Brocklyn came out with a tray with Ella following with her tray that had a lid they sat the tray down at the table. When Ella said I present to you the plumpest, juiciest in Nublar. I already knew what was under the lid when Ella said to the others promise me you will try it. The others looked at each other then nodded their heads. Ella pulls off the lids to reveal the grubs. I then looked at the others after taking one. Ella then looked at the others who didn't take a bite when she said you were really going to hurt my feelings. The other looked at the groups then at Ella who had tears going down her face. They each said fine in an instant Ella started to stop crying and said well this is going to be fun looking at the others. I ate mine after almost throwing it up. I turned to Ella and said good job sweety picking them out. Ella smiled, Sammy then tried to eat it but spit it out on to Kenji who screamed like a girl swatting it off as the grub flew and landed on Ella's face. Ella said table manners, guys, you tell me not to play with my food and look at you guys doing it. She then said Daddy was right on wondering how you guy survived


Why do I feel like the Kenji just got roasted by Ella The Dinos were paying down as I saw a chopper fly over me as they were still looking for us campers. Little did they know what they wanted was long gone. I then whistled and the Dinos got up. We were in one place for too long.


Sammy then passed a drawing of the group that I did saying write down your email address, social media and weekly group check ins. Also favorite cake and best time to receive packages. Ella then pulled on Sammy's arm to get her attention. Sammy then said what was wrong. Ella then said I don't have any of that. I smiled and said well you can check in with the group with me because you are staying with me when we get to costa rica. Ella smiled and hugged me and said thanks Mommy as she hugged me . I then look down at the plate of berries to find them gone. I then said who ate my berries? Everyone was quiet when Ella then said who ate the grub? Kenji then said maybe this bout is haunted. Ella whimpers and puts her head into my chest all scared. I punched Kenji in the shoulder and said don't say that. You are scaring Ella. I then heard the clicking noise of one creature. The group turned to look at a compy who just stared at us. Ella then said he is stealing out food. Darius said we need to catch it before it starts eating the wires. Kenji gets up and says he is going to start the bout up so we can keep moving. I then got up grabbing the bucket and said take Ella with you so I don't have to worry if she tries to pet the compy. Ella then said but how do you know? Sammy then said she got mother instincts already? The rest of us went after the compy except Brooklyn who went with Kenji and Ella. After a long time of trying to capture the compy the bout soundly stops. I look at the bridge where Kenji comes out. What happened and why did we stop? Kenji then said I think we got caught in a kelp forest, we just need to untangle the propeller. I then said I will need to keep moving. Darius walked to me and said are you sure because sharks like to hang out there. I then said thanks as I remember the movie Jaws the horror of the movie. I snapped out of my thought to see Darius coming back from under the water when he jumped in. Darius then said try it now, I will stay in the water. I then said how about you get back on board before a shark comes. Darius then gets back on board and when he does a seal appears right where he was swimming not that long ago. Darius said wow I was going to die of cuteness. Ella then said hello Mr Seal. Just then a shark jumps up eating the seal then the Mosasaurus comes up and eats the shark. Ella starts crying that Mr Seal is Dead. Well Kenji started driving the boat. I then said I thought we were done with Dinosaurs. Sammy then said well they are not with us. Darius then says technically it's a marine reptile, Not the time I yell at Darius I look ahead to see an island. I then said land ahead the Mosasaurs bite the back right side. I then grabbed a paddle and started hitting it until it stopped and went down below. I then felt as the Mosasaurs hit the bottom of the bout. I then asked Kenji how close to the island? He then said about 500 meters. I then watched as the Mosasaurus stopped chasing us. We cheered in celebration when I realized we were riding lower than before Kenji was sinking. I yelled. Kenji then said about two hundred meters. I then said everyone but Kenji and Ella helped me go below deck and grab our stuff to bring it to the bridge. I ran below deck and grab my bag witch had my clothes and stuff and Ella's bag and Ben spear I then ran above deck with Sammy who had her stuff to and bright it up to the bridge as we put it in a corner, I then said Sammy when you finish go to the kitchen Kenji then said Ella keep the bout facing the island well I grab my bag. He ran past me down as Sammy and Brooklyn came in with Darius not that far behind. Then the ship stop hit causing Ella who was holding the helm her head on the dash causing her to fall down unconscious. Ella I Yelled as I ran to her she had no cuts Kenji came up too. when we put our stuff on the small inflatable raft and started to leave as something charged behind us. The Mosasaurus jumped out of the water, smashing the boat. I then said dumb things beached itself. The Mosasaurs then wiggles until it disappears to the depth of the ocean. The raft is still a good 100 yards when a pop sound as the raft deflates. Darius then says can't anything go right I then grab Ella in both hands and swim to shower well the others did to we get to the shower and lay down I look as Ella was ok As I see a camera looking at the bout I then look to see bens spear that was washed to shore and a few clothes and a bag and Everett we picked up what cloths we found on the shore and put it in the one bag. Brooklyn then said it looks like it's going to storm and we should head to the cave. I picked up Ella, keeping her head close to my chest. Well Kenji picked up the clothes and put them in the bag. Darius picked up Ben's spear and Everett. We walked in when I saw a light and we followed it to what looks to be a desert. Darius then says we can't be in Australia because we did not have enough fuel. I then said we need to get to a town for Ella. Darius then says there is something shiny meaning there got to be metal meaning something man made. I started walking in that direction when Kenji said stop to me. I turned to look at him as he said we are in this together pulse this should be easier being Dino free. I then said that I can agree as Kenji led the way to the metal that shined in the distance.


Something was not right with the others. I could feel it something is wrong with Ella. I watched as the three choppers left, meaning I had won the hide and seek game. I walked near the lagoon gate to see it open oh shit it out. I took a deep breath and said the ocean is a big place. What are the chances of it running into the others? I walked back to the dock where the others left to see the green motorcycle was.


I continued to walk through the desert holding Ella who was still out cold. Brooklyn then said at least we are not being torched by demons in a fire hell. I turned to her and said are you sure? We became quiet for a while until Darius said sandstorm. I look to the right, seeing it as it hits. I held Ella close to my chest and turned my back towards the storm to keep sand out of her eyes. I couldn't see or hear anyone what is going to happen to us. What if Ella never wakes up? What kind of mother am I? I felt a tear run down my cheek. What if I failed Ben again 

Dinosaur Camp Adventure Part twoWhere stories live. Discover now