Rebuilding Burnt Bridges

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I heard crying when I then realized it was Yas. I got into my wheelchair and wheeled myself toward our shared bathroom. I knocked on the door and her crying stopped when I heard who is it ? I then said Ben and sweetheart, do you need me to come in? Yas then said Yes I need you. I then opened the door expecting to see her fully dressed only for her top half was naked. I then was about to close it when Yas went to me and hugged me crying as she then went to sit on my lap. I then saw the long scars on her side. I then said Yas , when did you get those scars. Yas was quit. I then said a tear that went out of my eyes as I said I'm sorry I hurt you. Yas then spoke and said I did it. I looked at her and said why would you do such a thing? I then heard Yas it was hard when you fell off the monorail. At the time I thought you died for nothing when we went to where you fell and heard Toro eat where you fell. I hugged her as I rocked her back and forth. Yas then after that ever night I would cut myself. I then said Your scars are enough to make up a story that a Mono clawed you. Yas smiled and said at least I was not Branded. I smiled and said the second time I couldn't feel it being that I was under control. Yas smiled. I then looked at Yas's face and said are you going to put on your bra? Yas then said in the morning or if our little one decides to snuggle up to us Yas then help me into the bed. I then said Yas, you look beautiful. Yas blushed as she went under the covers as I saw her put on her bra . I then turned to face her as she put her head on my chest and snuggled close to me. I then smiled and said I never thought I would ever know that the hater of hugs would be wanting to snuggle. Yas then said shut up. I then kissed her on the forehead and went to sleep.


I came back from Sammy's farm with Grandma and Grandpa as we heard the house was quiet. I then said it to quit with Ben. Grandma then said how come you don't call Ben Daddy anymore. I then said even though he was chipped and had no control. He hurt me and I'm scared It will happen again. Grandma hugged me and said why don't we just walk and see them. Becky then saw the light was off because there was no light shining under the door. I knocked on the door and heard nothing. Becky then opens the door to see Yas and Ben both sleeping and cuddling. I then closed the door and looked at Grandma and said they are sleeping so why don't I get ready for bed and tell a story of the island. Grandma smiled as I walked into my bedroom and grabbed a night gown and underwear and changed. I then sat on my bed after grabbing Bumby and Everett. I then said Grandma Im going to tell the tale of how I saved Daddy. I then said after we were kicked out of Kenji penthouse by the mean Dinos called Mono. Ben stayed behind buying us time. We left him there after Daddy told Mommy you need to leave the island. So we spent the night on the ship the next morning Mommy and Aunty Brooklyn went to mainstreet for food. Well Daruis and Sammy went to the treehouse for our clothes. Kenji was left watching me. I then said I tricked Kenji into going into Me and Yas's room to look for my Pink blanket that helps me relax. Grandma then said that that blanket didn't exist. I then said yep so I grabbed Kenji sword and it was heavy so I dragged it to Bumby and said let go get Daddy and then we went to the penthouse only to find Daddy laying on the ground bleeding and injured. He then told me he was not going to make it and gave me Everett that he pulled out from behind him then Kenji arrived and helped me bring him on Bumby back and well Kenji bringed Ben's motorcycle. Back to the dock Grandma then said Ben rode a motorcycle. I then smiled and said he has fought on it once. But that a I yawned story for another day. I then said Grandma thanks for keeping me with my parents. Grandma smiled as she shut the door. I was trying to go to sleep but the room seemed so scary when I was alone. I then ran into Mom and Dad's room and dove into their bed and wiggled my way between my parents I now felt safe.


I woke up and saw Ella cuddling between me and Ben. I smiled and took a photo and put on shirt and short and went to the kitchen table as I wrought a note saying I went for a run I put on my running shoes and stepped outside and felt the cold air I then ran to town seeing a sign that said 3 miles away I smiled and said the sooner i get this done the sooner I can see my family.


I woke to find my arms except for Ella. I then realized Yas went on her run. I got up and put on a Tank top and wheeled myself out of the room and toward the deck I then saw Yas running toward Town. I then watched as I heard small footsteps running. I then said Hi Ella I herd no response as I then said Ella if you want I can leave the room. Ella then said I'm sorry Daddy it just I'm scared that 49 will come back. I felt her small hand grab mine. I then with my other one picked her up and she tensed up as I put her on my lap. I then said why don't we watch a cartoon well we wait for Yas to come back Ella smiled. About 27 min have passed. Ella then said also remember that secret you told me not to tell Grandma. I then said which one? Mom then came around the corner and said, What do you mean by which one? I then said after taking a deep breath and said most of them are my flirting with dead. My Mom then said how close you got to being dead. I then said Ella if I don't make it everything I own goes to you. Ella then laughed. My Mom said How close. I then said I saw Emily and Mom. Mom then said Ben I swear to god. I then said do not say the lord's name in vain. Dad then said what are you working on about honey. I then said Mom found out about some of the secrets that I was keeping from her. Mom then said like did you know Ben rides a motorcycle or that he has died and went to heaven. I then said Sis said she wanted to meet her niece at her place. Ella then said Daddy, how come you don't tell me you had a sister? I then said she passed away at a young age. Ella then hugged me and said I'm sorry. I then said Mom can we stop talking you are bring back to many bad memories. Mom then said fine but I got an announcement for you guys when Yas comes back also how long are her runs. I then said about 3 to 5 min she should be back from her 6 mile run. Mom looked at me what. I then said Yas is an elite athlete. I then saw Yas run by and through the driveway. Mom then said I'm going to start making breakfast. I then said ok Yas then walked in and took off her shoes and came over I then said how was your run Honey. Yas said fine but it was lonely. I then said because I was not with you. Yas smiled and said also I missed the dinos. Mom then walked in and said Ben at 3 we have to be at the prosthetic fitter which is 2 hours away. I then said yay. Yas then looked at me and said Becky can you watch Ella well I talk with Ben. Mom nodded her head yes I then followed Yas into our bedroom. Yas then shut the door behind me. I then said Yas, what's wrong? Yas then looked at me and said Ben promise me no more lies. I then looked at her and said I promise you Yas. Yas then said every sense Your mom has brought up the idea of a prosthetic leg you freeze. I then said Yas It's just I lost a part of me and I'm scared that I will be losing more and more of me. I cried as Yas hugged me and said Ben I want you to try that why you can walk that why we can run together. That why the wheel chair won't be limiting your movement. But so you can walk our daughter down the aisle at her wedding. I sighed and said Yas I will but just promise me that. When I do get my prosthetic leg that you will let me go at my own pace at wearing it. Yas smiled and said promise now I'm going to take a shower. I then said do you need me to stay on the other side of the door. Yas smiled and said that and can you keep the door open when I turn on the shower that why I know you are there if I peak out. I then said ok Honey. Yas then said thanks Benny. I blushed

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