New and old friends

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It was a long week in the hospital for us. They moved us all into a big room so we all could be together. There was a knock on the door as a nurse opened the door and said you guys got visitors. 3 Men and 2 women came. Kenji then said to Dave, Roxxie , we may have left the camp without you. The two men walked to me as I said Owen Berry as they hugged me I then said. Blues alive they smiled and said they knew I then said Delta is to Berry then said that good to know. I then said Dad did not make it. Owen hugged me then looked over at Ben and said his that Ben ? I then said yes but he's scary right now. Owen looked at me and said why. Yasmina then said she will tell them the full story. From escaping the park to poachers to the hybrid to Ben's death. Owen then said I remember Hawkes that piece of sh- HEEEY stop Mom said as she covered my ears. Claire then said sorry about the island. I then said, Where is Mae? Kenji then said clean up the mess on the island. Mom then said guys tomorrow we can go to the states. Owen then said to me question I got I was great friends with your dad when he was still alive so I'm asking if you want to live with me and Clare. I then said but then I will not be with my family looking at the others. We heard grunting as we all turned to Dad who had gray eyes. I then said Owen protected me. Owen looked confused when they started to flash green Yasmina picked up a folding chair as Ben began to twitch. Ben's parents walked in. Ben then smiled weirdly. I ALWAYS CO- OME BACK BECAUSE 49 ALWAYS KEEPS HIS PROMISES. I then said where's the remote. Ben tried to get up but failed When his eye turned gray. NOOOO WHAT ARE YOU DOING.        I'm not letting you hurt my FAMILY ANYMORE.                                          SHUT UP YOU DON"T KNOW WHAT TRUE POWER IS.                                                                     STOP IT. The room was silent when Ben was motionless just breathing. WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT Owen said! Mom backhanded Owen and said language and second of all was Ben fighting off the chip that is in his head. Clare then said is he safe right now. Yas then said the blue eyes when Bens is in full control. Green means the chip or what Ben refers to is 49 is in full control. Barry then said what does gray mean? Mom then said it means two things: it is either A there both fighting for control or B they both are or C neither are in control. Ben's Mom said they need to take it out. Mom shook her head. They can't if they take it out it would damage the brain killing Ben. Clare then said what if we reprogram it. Lawyer and Franklin are good with computers. Mom then said it might work. I then asked if there was any way for him to be tied down until he was fixed. They all looked at me. I then said I'm just scared he will hurt me and Mom again. Mom then said Kash sent Ben to make sure Me and Ella chip the Spino on the island. I saw Ben go gray the first time. I knew Daruis and Kenji were nearby. I told them when I gave the single grab Ella and went. Ella was closer when he punched her hard in the stomach. I then battled him with a spear near a cliff when I saw his eyes turn gray. I threw my spear to the ground and kissed him as his eyes turned blue. Kenji then said Me, Daruis and Ella were running when we looked back to see Ben pull a dagger from behind him and was going to strike Yas. Mom then said but he stabbed his hand as he told us 6 days till investors and they are baby dinos that are in need of being saved.He put his bloody hand on my chest when He looked at me before pushing me into the raven. Mom then said I landed in water. All the grown ups were in shock of how bad the chip side could be. Brooklyn then said when we were saving the baby's dinos. Ben was after us but the whole time he and 49 argued over if we were in the medical bay. It was scary. Daruis then said but when we find the chips programing we can find out how bad the program is to Ben. Ben started to twitch again as they were turning from blue to green. Owen then said we need to have him sleeping until we take a look at the chip so he can't do anything. Clare then said we are going to need a stray jacket just for everyone's safety with how good his fighting skills are. Brooklyn then said how will we get him out of the public eye. Kenji then said I got a Private jet that will bring us all to texas more specifically- My part of the woods Sammy said. Daruis' Mom and Brother walked over to Daruis walking in and said also Daruis we are moving.Darius said why? Daruis Mom said so you can stay close with your camp family. Daruis then said that it's so nice. Kenji then also said there is a rumor that a mansion is being built for a rich kid. I then heard Brooklyn say also a youtuber is moving to live the next door over from the mansion. Mom smiled, looking like you guys got everything all settled as she looked at the floor. Grandpa said also We are taking Ben down there too. Then Grandma said We found a three bedroom house looking at me and saying we should keep Ellas parents together. Mom Smiled and hugged grandpa and grandma as Brooklyn took a picture of them with the camera everyone left. Mom tucked me into my bed with Everett as the other camper went to bed. I then said what if 49 comes in the night when we are sleeping? Mom then said I keep watch through the night. I closed my eyes, I woke up and I looked over to see Dad with his gray eyes. I then said how long. Mom then said he's just been silent the whole time.

Bens mind

I thought I got rid of you. You Cant Im a part of you like how you are a part of me. Why can't you just stop 49. Because I'm going down swinging. I can't let you hurt anybody else. The remote has Been destroyed. What ? The remote was destroyed. I'm here to do as I please, Weren't you programmed. That fool Kash made an AI did not even know it. What do you want? Ben chill like it or not you're going to have to live with me for the rest of your Life. .............................................. .................................................................................................................. ................................................. What if I surgically take you out? Ben you Idiot i'm in your fucking brain if they do that they can kill you. I don't want you to hurt anybody anymore. I am going on a little trip.

Where are you going? Your Memories if we're going to be together then I want to learn more about you. ............................................... ..................................................... Hey 49 can you do me a favor. What do you need Ben? Promise me you will ask me before taking over my body . ............................................................... I will play by your rules but if I see that you are in real bad danger I will come out. That sounds reasonable. Goodbye for now Ben. See you 49


We landed in Texas when we went to the hospital to check Ben in because he still needed to heal. What scares me the most is his gray eyes. I then said to a nurse to watch his eyes. The nurse said what do you mean? I then said if they are green he can get violent but if they are gray that means he is between personalities. Blue is his calm state of mind. The Nurse nood her head and left Ella then said what was going to happen to Ben. I then said Clare is going to see if they can get two of her friends to help with the chip. I then saw Ben's parents walk to me and said how about we take you two to the mall. I then said why do I need to leave Ben again. Ben's Mom then said well also would you guys like some different clothes. Ella said ok as she held Everett. Ben's Dad then said watch you got there Ella. Ella then said this is Everett. Ben gave him to when he was about to die. Which time Ella I said. Ella then shrugs her shoulders and said I have lost count but it did happen when Kenji and I found him. Ben's mom looked at me and said what do you mean which time? I then said If there was ever Danger Ben would throw himself at it just to keep us safe. I then went shopping and we bought a dress for Ella and some play clothes along with underwear and pjs. well I got a sweater, shorts, shirt, a pair of underwear, Bras and a nightwear. We also got hygiene items for me and Ella. We then went to the hotel room. It was nice to get a change of clothing.

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