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            I then said thanks to Ben's Mom. she turned and said you can call me mom or Becky. Then Ben's Dad said you can call me either Paul or dad. I said thanks. I then tucked Ella into Bed with Everett. When Becky said I have a phone call for you hello I said Hey its me Percy. Mom and Dad are still mad at you but I believe you are doing the right thing also Mom and Dad have got your van packed and hooked up to a Uhaul trailer with all your stuff. Where are you planning on living? I then said Texas with Ben that way Ella can see us both. Percy then said also your coach said you should keep the uniform you got you deserve them he said. I then said I'm going to miss you bro. Percy then said I have to go.Bye I said as he hung up I then said so question do we need to and drive to mn to get your guys stuff. Becky then said we packed all of our stuff and came here when Percy got your call because we don't want to separate you kids after all that you have experienced together. I then asked when can we could visit the house. Becky then said all of the stuff should be in the garage but me and Paul will go unpack after we drop You and Ella off at the hospital. I then said Clarie said her friends are coming tomorrow to see if they can help the chip in Ben's brain. I then went under the cover and snuggled up to Ella. The next morning I woke up to the tv on and Ella laughing at cartoons she was watching. I then said Ella get changed we need to get ready also brush those teeth I heard a laugh as I turned to see Becky I then said what funny? She then said when your brother first talked about me how I was quiet and only looked out for myself. I looked to see Ella walking into the bathroom and said she has changed us for the better both Me and Ben. I then said it was a three bedroom home so I am sharing a room with Ella? Becky then said she is getting her own room, you and Ben will be sharing. I saw the way you two love each other plus I heard from a little bird that all 3 of you would share a bed. I swear when I see Brooklyn she better hope she is in her running shoes.Becky then said also Brooklyn did not say anything you did by getting so defensive about it. I then said so you are not mad? Becky Laughed Ben has not talked to anyone since he has come into me and Paul care. I then said after such a hard childhood I can understand why watching your family murdered by your dad. Becky then said  He told you? The first night at camp I tuned on a show that talked about murders when he cried saying he knew that family. Later on we got in an argument because I was being too risky and he then admitted that was his family. Ella got done as she sat down to watch cartoons again. Well, I went in to change and do my hygiene. I then came out to see everyone was ready. I then picked up Ella and walked behind Becky. I got to the hospital and asked for Ben Pincus room the lady said 49. I then was going to ask when sammy said 49. The lady said yep I looked at sammy and she said the boys in my family can be pretty stupid. I picked up Ella and walked when the nurse I warned about Ben came out. I then asked, Did he attack? The nurse shake her head he had to be drugged and put to sleep saying the family need him. I walked and saw his blue eyes he then said are you guys ok I then said Ben you kept us safe now it our turn to return the favor. I then handed Ella the tv remote as she turned on Bluey. Ben then said you know what the most dumbest thing ever I looked at Ben. Ben then said I feel the need to scratch my leg but everytime I look to do it it is gone. Ben then started crying. I looked at him and he said I have lost so much of my actual self I don't know if i can ever be me again also 49 has been wired. I looked at him what do you mean? Ben said that the chip understands it needs me to live and I can't get rid of it so it said it was going to go through my memories. what to know about the person I was. The door opened when Two men and Clare came in each pushing a cart of equipment as they began to set up. I then said is there anyway I can help? The one dude wearing a Jurassic Park shirt said do you have any idea what the chip is called? I then said Ben refers to it as 49. Ella sat on my lab when the others came in then The dude with the jurassic park shirt said Lowery has done it again we all looked at the computer to see programing ben eyes flashed gray I then said guys I found the reason why Ben can't at times fight back It's because the chip mess with vital organs like the lungs or the heart to stop for second on and off causing a complete mess We then saw on a different screen as the chip was sending out this sound wave as the brain did it own. I then said this could be Ben and 49 communicating. I then asked, Is there any way to edit the chip? Lowery then said it's an AI. The computer then went off STOP WHAT ARE YOU DOING. Ella hugged me as the voice meant dagger. I then said what do you want 49? TO move me off the chip onto a flash drive. As punishment for what I have done wrong on the island. Ella I am sorry for what I have done to you and Yasmina it is my fault not Bens.  Lowery said I do have an empty flash drive. I then said if we give you that you will leave all of Ben alone? Yes I realized you guys need him more than I need a host. Franklyn said all of your data had been downloaded onto the flash drive. Good bye 49 is gone. I then said are those files really what he said they were. Franklyn said they look to be videos he clicked on it and pushed play as we saw a destroyed mainstreet. But crying was heard as we walked close to it as we saw a dead man blocking the door. I watched as the person moved the body to open the door to see a scared Ella in the corner. Ben then said I remember that moment. I then said what did 49 do? Ella then said it destroyed itself and it downloaded Ben's memory onto the flash drive. Franklyn then clicked on another one to see Bumby and Ben in a tunnel when a roar was heard with clicking. As Tarbosures walk in front of Ben. Ben screamed and charged at the Tarbasires as the battle got outside and flying into the stands and getting up and going at it again. The Tarbasure was about to Kill Bumby. A Roar was heard as Toro stepped out of the shadows. The Tarbasures beat up Toro and almost kill Toro when Ben intervenes and we watch Ben and toro attack and kill the Tarbosaurus. I then saw Ben's eyes were back to blue. I went to hug him with Ella. when Ella stayed on the other side of the room of Ben. Ben then said Ella I under stand you don't want a hug but I will make it up to you Ella. Ben then said they say I can get out of bed now. I then said thanks for your help Franklyn and Lowery. I looked at Ben's face to see Ben in tears so it was good in the end. Ben then said also can we go this room is very boring on a walk  or anything. A nurse walked in and said Ben, would you like a wheelchair or crutches? Ben then moved himself to the edge of the bed and said neither Ben stood on his one leg and goes to take a step and fell. I ran to help him up. Ben then said I keep forgetting that the son of a gun ate my leg. I then looked at the nurse and said the wheelchair would be fine.   Clare and her friends Before Lowery left he gave me the flash drive. left so it was just the camp family here. In the room when the nurse came back with a wheelchair we put Ben on and we were walking down the halls with me pushing and Ella in the front. We were silent when Ben said looking at everyone I see you guys all got new clothes. Kenji said you do too oww. Sammy then said we're sorry about the leg. Ben then said why are you sorry it is not like your family owned Matic corp and the Spino that live in it. Ben then said Ella Can you talk to me? She then said I don't If I can Ben. I can't see Ben's face but I could Tell Ben was hurting. Ben and Ella were the closest people in the group and then when Ben got chipped everything changed. Ben then said how come they no poparize? Kenji laughed because they think we were still in that hospital in Costa Rica. Ben then said how long till I'm out? I then said about a week they said. We then arrived at the cafeteria. We sat at the table and Ben looked tense. Kenji left and came back with a bag. I then said to Kenji if this is a prank, think before you do it. Kenji then said I actually bought with my savings a stuffed animal company. Kenji then said in the line we have a Toro, Bumby, Emerald, Pierse and Saber, Grim, Limbo, Chaos, Diego, Princess and the last ones I did a survey on the workers favorite dino and we end up in a three way tie Kenji pulls out a Rexy than a Dilophosaurus. Ella, who was playing with them, said who was the last one. Kenji looked in the bag and said I meant to say two way tie. Kenji chuckled nervously. Ben then said I spent too much time with you. What in the bag Kenji then said hey Sammy where is the nearest staircase? Sammy then said there one if you go out that door take a left then it would be at the end of the hallway on the right why? Kenji pulls out a spinosaurus that looks like the one that ate Ben's  leg. Ben's eyes turned green. Ben was wheeling himself at Kenji Ben then said when I get my hand on you. Kenji ran out of the room with Ben not that far behind him. Ella said I think the Spino is the soft one. Daruis said really as he felt the Spino and said it is. Ella then said I like them all. We all got up with me carrying all the stuffed animals in a bag as we went to the stairs to see Ben at the bottom with Kenji sitting in the middle of the stairs trying to calm down Ben. Kenji then said Why shouldn't you joke about broken legs? Because it's not humerus. Ben then said I will kill you as he gets out of the wheelchair and uses the railing to go up the stairs. Hey Sammy Kenji said I know your favorite exercise. Sammy then said what? Kenji then said Calf raises. Sammy started to laugh quietly.  Ben then said I can't stand Kenji horrible leg jokes Daruis and Brooklyn started laughing. Ben then said what was so funny I then said think about what you said. Ben damn it Ella then said did you hear about the joke about the leg Ben turned to look at Ella. Ella then said it was a real knee slapper.I chuckled at it when Ben let go of the railing to grab where his leg was only for him to end up falling as he tumbled down the stairs hitting his head on a stair. We were all silent as I caught him. I said Kenji, Sammy go get a nurse Daruis help me get him in the chair. Then with Brooklyn take Ella outside and play with her a nurse came and took Ben away as she pushed Ben away.

Dinosaur Camp Adventure Part twoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora