Ella Heath and a New leg

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Yas got out of the shower and I looked away as she grabbed the towel. I then said Ellas clingy to us and the camp family but I'm worried about how she would do without us with the trauma. Yas said there could be a way to test. I then said well maybe we can have her go to a therapist. Yas then said where can we find one. I then said Sammy might know and if she doesn't then her parents might know. Yas then called Sammy and put her on speaker. Sammy then answered Yas said Ben with me and were on speaker phone and we got a question. Sammy then said shoot away. I then said Sammy, do you know if there are any therapists in the area? Sammy then said my older sister Elliot is a therapist. I then said do you think she can see just Ella today? Sammy then said why just Ella? I then said we're worried with what she saw on the Island that she's traumatized with what happened. Sammy then said I can put you on the phone with her right now. I then said that would be great. A few minutes passed when a new voice was heard. I then said you must be Elliot. Elliot then said yes also I got spot that I saved for you campers if you want to talk. I then said do you think you can see Ella? me and Yas are worried she traumatized with what happened. Elliot said I can stop by at 10:00 to see her and I will see if I can check to see how traumatized she is. I then wheeled myself back with Yas following. Mom then said what took you guys so long? I then said me and Yas were having a discussion. I then said Ella Sammy's older sister is coming to visit you at 10:00. Ella then said why? Mom Looked at me. I then said to cheek up Ellas mental health. What that Ella said? I then said she just going to ask if you are ok after what happened on the islands. We finished eating and I looked at the time to see it was 9:45 I then wheeled myself over to the sink and put my dishes in the sink. I then heard a knock on the door when I saw a woman. I then wheeled myself as I said you must be Elliot. The woman smiled and said you are Ben. I then said do you want us to have you meet with Ella. Yas walked beside me. Elliot then said no I wanted to talk with you on why you think she needs help. I then said Mom, Dad can you go outside with Ella. I then heard the door to the garage open then closed as I knew they left. I then wheeled myself to the kitchen table as. Yas sat beside me well Elliot sat across. Elliot then said why do you think she needs my help? Yas then said she is super clingy to the camp family members but mainly me. Elliot then said I'm confused on why you didn't say she is super clingy towards Ben. Sammy has said she saw you as a father figure? I then said on the second island I was shot with a chip that controlled me and I hurt her. Elliot then said ok. I then said and we are worried that if we leave her to go to school or anywhere when none of the campfam are with her she will have a breakdown. Elliot then said I can understand where you two are coming from being you were on a island with killer animals. I then said I tried my Best when I found her to keep her from seeing her dead father but it failed. Elliot then asked if there was anything else. I then said we as a group have almost died multiple times so she might not be in the best mental mind. Elliot then said Yas can we go get Ella. Yas left I then said Elliot thanks for seeing Ella. Elliot smiled. Ella walked in with Yas as Yas said this is a friend of ours named Elliot she is going to ask you a few questions. Ella then said can you stay Elliot then said I need to see how strong of a big girl you are so they are going to have to leave. I then said Ella we will be in the Garage If you need us. Yas helped me in the garage well Ella sat across from Elliot. I then looked at Yas and said I hope she can do this. We then heard crying as we heard the door open as Ella jumped into Yas arms. Yas then said are you ok? Ella shook her head and said it was just the room got scarier when you left as tears ran down her face Elliot then said I believe you guys are going to be needed then. I got help back into the house thanks to Yas. Elliot then asked Ella how often do you have nightmares? Ella then said with tears in her eyes that often the Dinos always find me and I'm alone. Elliot then wrote on her notepad. Ella then said it just that Mom and Dad have alway kept me safe. Even the others have kept me safe and when they're not around I feel like they will come and get me. Elliot then said the mean Dinos? Ella then nodded her head yes. Elliot then asked Ella how safe do you feel with your grandparents. I don't know Ella said. Elliot then said so if I were to ask you to go and wait with them outside could you? Ella then said only for a little bit. Elliot then said can you do that. Ella then said I could try. Ella walked outside slowly and kept looking back at me and Yas. I then said Ella would be our strong girl. Ella then walked outside. I then turned to Elliot and said It is a good thing we meet up and she is a mess when she's alone. Yas then said what can we do to help. Elliot then said I have never seen such Trauma but the fact she can't be alone with people she doesn't know is going to be a huge problem. I then said that she was going to have to go to preschool. Elliot then said but there is a solution. I then said Is there anything I can do to help her? Elliot then said I don't suggest this often but in this case I am going to say she could use an emotional support animal to keep her from mental breakdowns. I then said that could be done if that meant keeping Ella mentally stable. Elliot then said I have to leave for my office in town. Also, I would like to see you two and Ella in my office after the island. I feel like it would help to get it off your chest . I then said thanks Elliot. Elliot left when Ella came in. Ella then said I'm sorry I tried to be brave but it got too scary. I then said to Ella you were fine. Becky then walked in and said we should load up for our appointment. We all then went into My moms car with my parents in the front well Me, Yas and Ella sat in the back seat.


We had arrived at a shop that was going to fit Ben with his new leg.it hopefully was going to bring Ben back to his old glory. But no matter what happens I love him. We as a group walked into the waiting room when a person called for Ben and family. I sat there because I was not family. Becky then came to me and said you are family and pulse I know Ben would want you there. I then walked following everyone till we came to a small doctor room were he had Ben sit on the table well he did measurements. I then asked the doc how long before he could have his prostate. The doc laughed and said before you leave. My assistant ordered a prostate for a different patient but it was off and Ben would fit it. Ben then said what the catch. The doc said well aren't you sharp but there is no catch. The doctor said the measurements should work but I'm going to grab it to make sure. The doctor left. I then said Ben, are you excited? We can do cute couple things. Ella then looked at me and said Mommy are you ok? I then said yes I am. I'm just excited. Ben then started laughing. I then said what was funny. Ben then said How to train your dragon. I then said that it is kind of funny you taming the Dinos. Becky then asked, Does the charter also lose his leg? Paul then said yep. The doctor walked back and said I'm back as he showed the leg to Ben and explained how they attach to his new leg. After a while the doc said it was a perfect fit then said Ben why don't you take a few steps Ben tried but it wobbled. Ben then said I'm going to try to walk to you Yas. Ben wobbled when he fell down as I caught him in my arms. The doc then said I know it is none of my business but how did you lose your leg. Ben then said Spinosures ate it. The Doc said that was the first I have heard of that. Ben then said this would be good for running. The doc shook his head and said this would be like your walking around we can get one for running put together for you. Ben said how long would it take. The doc said about a month also I would suggest a cane for you for your first few months of wearing your prosthetic. The doc then said so you are all set.

Time skip to arrive home.


Why are there so many cars in the driveway? I then looked and saw one oh no why them.

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