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The door burst open as Barry Sembène and Owen Grady walked in. Owen walked up and said I have evidence for this case in this envelope. I have the will of Ella Father and in it talks about who is to be her guardian who just so happen to be alive. The Judge was silent and then said hand it hear and read out loud. If something was to happen to me my daughter will go into custody of Owen Grady and Barry Sembene and everything will go to my little girl. The Judge then said we need to keep in mind that we need to have the best for Ella. The Judge then said It's pretty clear who Ella should go. The Mom Then said yea we know she will be coming home with me. The Judge then said Owen you wish to adopt Ella? Owen Then said actually as the short time I am her guardian. I would like to have Becky to adopt Ella. The Judge then said  I believe that Becky is all good to adopt Ella. Ella looked confused Ben and Yas hugged Ella knowing we would be together well. The camp family was cheering when the mom said Judge, my name is not Becky. I then said mine is as I took a picture of Ben and Yas Hugging Ella but why did Ella look so scared of Ben? The Mom then said I demand I miss trial that was false will. The Judge is corrupt as she said as she walks up to Ella. Ben stood in front of her as Yas picked up Ella. She then said what are you going to do? Ben then said this is my family putting down a crutch and said you pass it then I am not responsible for what happens next as Ben Eyes turned green. The woman's husband stepped forward and said how dare you threaten my wife. Ben then said I was not threatening, I was making a promise. The man said mutual combat Ben then smiled then said Brooklyn do you have duck tape. Brooklyn said Yes as he got a roll and tape it around the one crutch and his leg he then fished up and said let go old man. I watched as Ben and the husband walked outside as the whole courtroom followed Ben then looked at the man and said only fist the man nodded his head yes. Ben then said I'm not responsible after you through the first punch the man threw a punch but Ben caught it. Ben then threw a punch hitting the man in the face as blood dropped from the man's nose. The man threw two punches at Ben. Ben dodged them when a punch hit him in the face he then said this one is for trying to take my daughter away and trying to ruin my family as he threw a punch as there was the sound as the man fell down from Ben's Knockout punch. Ben then stepped back and said this was about family. Then a Black 1970 Dodge Charger drifts around the corner and speeds off. Ben then hugged Ella and Yas I then said Ben we should get you back to the hospital. Ben then said yea they are properly wondering where I went. I then said Son, I have never been so proud. Ben smiled at the whole camp family. into the car and drove back to the hospital. Ben then said doc says two more days. I then opened the boxes and said I found your phone and charger when we were moving as I handed my son his phone charger.


We got to the hospital when I stepped out with Ella and Yas as my mom left to drop off the others at their hotels or house in Sammy's case. I went to the front desk and said I'm back. The nurse then asked Ben where did you go? I then said I went to my daughter's adoption. We walked back to my room when I took the tape that was around my crutch and leg and laid down in the bed when the doctor looked at me and said ben you can't just leave. Ben then Doc I had to stop a Adoption of my child to a different family. The Doctor said visiting time is over so your friends can leave. I then said Doc please I cant sleep without them nearby they were the reason I left. I can't be separated from them. The doctor then said fine and left. Yas looked at me and said how did you sleep when we left? I then said can't we as a family have a movie time. Yas then lightly punched me in the shoulder and said you were cheeky. Ella then said what cheeky? I then said trickster. I then texted my mom saying Ella and Yas were spending the night with me. My mom said how did you allow them? I then said I can't sleep without them close by. I then scooted over to one side. Yas went on the other side. Ella then went on the left of Yas still being scared of me as we watched a movie. Ella fell asleep during the movie as Yas fell asleep at the end it was silent. I then thought this was the family that I must protect. My eyes felt heavy as I fell asleep.

Dinosaur Camp Adventure Part twoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang