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The storm has ended and I see everyone except for Kenji and Sammy. Daruis then picks up Sammy's headband and we look to see it was a small Ravine that was too steep for us to go in. Darius then says if we go that why it looks like it slops down. I followed Darius, not paying much attention as I followed behind. Brooklyn and Darius started back up there at least game after a while they ran out of at least. when rocks fell showing Sammy and Kenji who were behind those rocks with Sammy saying there got to be a better at least. We all hugged when Sammy then said Kenji pushed those rocks by himself. Kenji then replied with no when I said I think I'm very dehydrated because I'm not hearing Kenji take credit for stuff he did. Kenji just smiled. Brooklyn then said also there water and a Berry bush up ahead. We walked to it and ate and drinked when we continued to the metal object. We got there to find out it was a rectangle plate. The sun began to set as Kenji grabbed two sticks together and began to rub them in hopes of starting a fire. I then laid Ella on the ground as I held Ben's spear. The memories of us together showing me some of his moves a tear went down my face. I as I feel asleep


I was looking at the stars in the sky as I looked further into the jungle to see my Dinosaur friend sleeping and it was quiet. It was too quiet, something was near. I heard a growl as I turned to see a young Allosaurus. It was about 10 feet tall. It was a baby. I looked at it when it then bit my shoulder. I could feel the teeth but it was not trying to kill me it was playing. I punched the Allosaurus in the nose cursing it let go of me. I felt the warm blood run down from my shoulder. The Allosaurus roared. I picked up my spear and pointed it at the Allosaurus I was ready to fight. We both stood there in the dark looking at each other when it then walked away. I grab leafs i press them on my wound to help stop the bleeding.


I woke up. I just have this feeling something was not right with Ben. Then I saw its eyes glow. We were not alone. I then grabbed Ben's spear. I stepped in front of the others who started to wake up. Darius looked at what I was looking at and said Smildon. I then saw it jump at me. I then hit it in the front leg causing it to jump back. I then said Kenji grab Ella. I then turned my full attention to Diego. Come on Diego is that all you got I said yelling at the cat. The cat then jumped to the left and at the last second turned to the right side. Its long tooth cut my arm as it dug into my arm. I was able to hit Diego in the shoulder as it then looked at us. I then watched as it walked away into the night. Sammy then grabs a sweatshirt from the bag and rips off the sleeve and uses it to bandage my long cut. I could move my arms so it didn't hit any muscles so we were good. I then grabbed the spear and went to grab Ella from Kenji who was holding her. I then said we should start walking before the sun comes up. Well, it's still cool. We walked through the day until the sun rose when we saw claw prints in the sand. Brooklyn was first to speak and said that might lead to people Kemji running following them when we watched as Kenji ran into the air. We looked confused as we walked to it and felt a wall. I rub my head over it to watch as a door opens showing a tunnel reminding me of the maintenance tunnels on Nublar. We walked in only for the door to slam shut behind us. We looked at eachother what this place Daaruis said. I then said there was a keypad as Brooklyn swiped her hand across cursing the door to open to show a jungle like Nublar. I then saw a T Rex's look at us. Kenji then said does every Island have Dinosaurs known as we ran from the t rex's. We duck behind rock and watch as the t rex's run past us to another one as they nip at each other. I then asked if anyone had any ideas. Kenji raised his hand. I then said if it is dumb I will throw you to the T Rex's . Kenji then said why don't we ask her? We turned to look at a woman who looked at us. Then ran to us. I then looked at her and said there are any places we can go to. The woman looked at us and nodded as we followed her. We went behind a waterfall to see a door open to reveal a living quarters. I laid Ella on the couch and sat next to her. Daruis and the others talked. I just sat there tired. At one point Brooklyn pulled out a camera and plugged into the screen showing Ben battling Different dinos on the island to the Mosasaurs attacking the boat to me and the smilodon. Turner then said I'm sorry for your loss. I looked at her and he was not dead he chose to stay on the island. I turned when I heard the words Mommy.

Ella point

I opened my eyes to see I was in a strange place. I jump to hug Mommy and hug her with my head buried in her chest. I was so scared and feeling her rock me back and forth in her arms made me feel so safe. I then said Mommy I'm hungry and Everett and a lady walked toward us. Me being scared I buried my head deeper. The lady then said what your name was to me. I didn't respond. I then heard Mommy speaking and saying I'm Ella and how Ben found me and how I called them my parents. Turner then asked me questions about my head and how it was feeling. I then said uncle Kenji can you do something funny. Kenji then looked at me then showed he got Everett. A thud was herd as Kenji tripped on the rug and face planted. I laughed as Kenji then said how can I say no to my favorite niece. I then said I'm your only niece. I smiled. The camper were talking as Mommy fell asleep on the couch I snuggled into her arm as my eye felt heavy well holding Everett


I watched as Ella and Yas fell asleep together. I took a picture with a camera as I watched Kenji walk toward them with a sharpie marker. Yas then sleep talk saying Kenji. Kenji then turn and walks in the opposite direction well mumbling how dose she know. Turner then explained how we cannot contact help and a path is dangerous. Then she turned to me and was asking me about the island I then saw as Darius, Kenji and Sammy walked outside. We kept talking for a good 5 min. When a alarm went off on the tablet. I look at it along with Turner as she then said your friends. I ran with her as we came to a rock where a robot was there as it opened its mouth and shot electricity at the stole away Compy. Turner ran to the robot telling to stop and how it should have stopped. Turner waved the other to go to me after the robot left, Turner brought back to the cave and explained stuff well Sammy told her what Mantah Corp did to her family.


The boss told me to get more animals but from Nublar as he had the same live feed as me as I deracted the Brads He then said to go to a building. He became very mad when he saw the doors were destroyed and there were two ankylosaurus and a Stygimoloch in the garage but he said go up the stair where he saw a boy up in his penthouse he then said capture him and the dinos and bring them to the Island. The video shows Brad shooting electricity only for it to hit Ben who was sleeping to Bumby, tank and Princess who also get shot. The man then says through the call to the boss they will arrive when I do then I can prep for the investors and your arrival. The Boss then says I want him in the ring When I get there. I then said it will be done Boss as I smiled.

Dinosaur Camp Adventure Part twoWhere stories live. Discover now